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Its here. Ok calm down Jensen. Calm down. I look I the mirror and give a small smile. 1 hour and I'll be married. Are you sure you want to get married again? Yes. Yes I do. "Knock knock" a girl says. She opens the door and I see Sofia in a red dress that matches my Tie. "How are you?"
"Nervous. So fucking nervous. Do I really wanna do this. Get married again? Yes I do. With misha. I want to marry him." I talk to myself.
"Whoa there cowboy. Calm Down." She says.
"Does Misha look Hot?" I ask.
"That's weird...but if it makes you feel better yes?" She laughs.
"Show time Jensen" Jared says. Ok ok here we go. Lets get married. We all walk out and I see Misha down the hallway. Oh my god he is...gorgeous. We both smile widely letting smalls laughs escape.
"Hi" he smiles.
"Hi" we link hands and start walking down with flowers getting traced in front of us by Sofia. We get to the front and said looking at each other
"I love you" I whisper.
"I love you" he whispers back.
"Last mintue youll officaly be Misha Collins."
"Do you Jensen Ross Ackles?" The preist asks.
"I do"
"Do you Dmitri Tippens krushnic?"
"I do"
"You may know kiss the groom" we push our lips together. He is mine now. We walk down the ial as people cheer.
"We're married" I shout down the hall.
"Mmhhm" he grins.
"I love you"
"I love you too" when we grt to the dinning part Sofia grabs the Microphone.
"Hi im Sofia and these two men have taken me and my little sister in when our parents didnt want us. Every morning I wake up and see them making breakfast together. It doesn't matter if they're in a bad mood or not. They always say good morning and good night to each other. I hear them talking about how one day they were going to both be wearing rings, they could introduce each other to others has husbands. They love each other more then anybody I've ever known. They told they're song was stairway to heaven so this is for my two...dads..I love you guys" we walk to the middle of the room and grab each other. I wrap my arms around his hips and he wraps his around my neck since he IS SO SHORT. We sway back and fourth together. Our body's tangled together my head on his head and his head on my chest. we cut the cake and I shove it in his face.
"Jensen!" He shouts with a huge smile as our family and friends laugh. He grabs a hand full and does it back. I laugh loudly and I get closer to him kissing him. Licking the cake off his lips. He wipes some off my nose and eat it. This reminds me of the time I nailed him with a pie and then he ran around and wiped his face on me.
"Come you two handsome grooms!" Jared shouts in the microphone. We grab each others hands and walk over to him. "I knew I found my Two best friends when I first met both these men. I also knew they loved each other the second they saw each other. I remember meeting Gen and we had this spark we looked at each other with stars in our eyes..they had that look meeting eachother. Then jensen would always go to Mishas trailer and when I'd invite him and Danny over be talked about how he had a trip planned with mish...they have loved each other since the second they met. I love these two guys. TO THE GROOMS!" he yells. That was a..weird speech. He's stumbles down the stairs. Ahh that explains it he's drunk. He kisses my cheek and pulls me over to the dance floor. He twirls me and then we start to sway.
"This day couldn't be more perfect" I whisper.
"I know" he smiles.
"Just think we get to go home with no kids. You know they say your wedding night is when your suppose to loose your virginity." I tell him as I spin him.
"Guess I should make sure to make it pretty damn good then to make up for all the times we've did it" he smirks as I catch him.
"Yeah?" I ask picking him up. He turns around and pushes himself into me. "You dance dirty" I tell him.
"Mmhhmm" he hums . I turn him around and smile. I'm a little upset we aren't haveing a honey moon right away. Were waiting a few months until summer to go. We go sit down after a while and eat some of our cake.
"What are your plans as Misha Ackles?" I ask using my fork as a microphone.
"My plans as misha ackles is to steal all your money and run off with a guy named Han" he jokes.
"I will kill you." I laugh.
"But in all seriousness Jensen. Im going to make sure you're healthy. If you're ever sick I'm gonna make you soup and give you hand jobs-" we both let a small laugh out. "Ill make sure to give you hugs when you feel lonely. But most of all I'm gonna love you. Forever" he leans over kisses me.

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