Chapter 1: The Girl Who Was supposed to have died

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{Neverland 3 years pre-curse; Jolly Roger}
"I'm out pan...." Hook muttered refusing to look at the demon boy. "Think carefully about what your going to say next Pirate!" Pan sneered into Hooks ear. "I can't do it anymore..." He continued. "Why? Don't you want to defeat the dark one..." Pan questioned. "Something else has come up...." Hook sighed. "Something or someone..... Your just going to let some child come in and ruin your life because her bar wench of a mother died." Pan said. "I'm out pan that's it..." Hook sighed pushing pan aside. Pan scoffed before bitterly flying off. "You gonna let him go?" Felix asked a entering Pan. Pan turned on the ball of his foot... "You forget Felix Peter Pan Never fails."
{ that night Hook planned to leave the island but a terrible storm struck...}
Hook frantically ran across the deck shouting orders. "Dad!!" Isabella ran out on deck. "Isabella back inside." He ordered. "I'm scared...""I'll be there in a moment just please love.." The girl hazel brown eyes wide with fear glistened in the moon light. She scuffled across the deck. Her loose curls whipped around her face. Suddenly a large wave crashed against the side of the boat the dainty girl lost her footing. The last Hook saw of his beloved daughter was her fragile hands gripping on for dear life before finally slipping to her death. Now a broken Hook would never allow the utter of his daughters name travel through his ears again. He never left Neverland after that till the curse.

{StoryBrooke Modern Day}
Henry Mills stood on the  pier gazing out into the still water. No one was around... Everyone too busy to bother with the little boy who had once helped break the curse. Enjoying their own happy endings leaving behind a lonely forgotten Henry. Useless, helpless, unneeded. The thoughts loomed in Henry's mind as he looked out to the water. A secret to everyone that he had been waging a war inside slowly loosing. He had wanted to cry but seemed to dried up. He concentrated on the soft ripple of the waves closing his eyes. He breathed heavily. Suddenly the stillness was broken a splash of water hit his face. Bewildered Henry opened his eyes to see a girl yards from him drowning. As if instinct Henry jumped into the water. Swimming to the girl he dragged her out of the water on to the wet sand. He pounded on her chest watching as she coughed gallons of water from her weak lungs. Her eyes fluttered open to meet Henry's. A small smile curled at her lips as if to say thank you, before she slipped back out of consciousness.

{Neverland the morning after the wreck}
Pan walked along the beach In search for nothing particular. His mind was a mess conjuring a plan to keep his associate hook. When the sound of soft coughs struck the light bulb inside him. A frail girl laid crumpled on the shore. Entirely soaked on the verge of death water spat out of her mouth. Pan smirked to himself. "No Isabella no reason to leave" he muttered looking down at the half dead girl. Her hair matted with sand and colorless lips pan assumed he'd be doing her a favor takin her out of her misery. Till her eyes flickered open. Those big brown eyes with streaks of gold twinkling In the morning light.
Those brown eyes struck a chord in Pans heart creating something he hadn't had before.... Pity. He took the girl home and nursed her back to health.

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