Chapter 11!

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Macy's POV

The kiss finally broke...sadly.

"I'm so sorry."

No Niall don't say sorry

" why shouldn't I Macy! That was rude of me and your my little sisters best friend and-"

I cut Niall off and kissed him once again.

I broke the kiss and said...

Listen Niall I don't care what your sister thinks! Because for once I found someone who I can actually talk to, someone who understands Macy.

I looked up at Niall with tears in my eyes. Someone who actually makes me happy again.

I was now crying because of the horrible memories flashing back to me.

"Macy come here"

I leaned against nialls chest and we just sat their on my bed as Niall rocked me so I would calm down.

Nialls POV

Macy is calmed down now. What ever happened to her must have been horrible. I was curious to know what happened but I could tell that right now's not a good time to ask.

" Niall I'm sorry about everything your probably just being nice to me because you seen me cry and I bet you think I'm crazy or something because I just went out and told you my fillings."

No Macy I'm being nice to you because I care about you and I like you a lot! And I like it when someone come out and tell me how they fill.

Macy looked up at me shocked.

"Y-you do?". Macy asked.

Yes I like you! Do you know how long I've been waiting to kiss you! Since the day you told me off at the airport when you knocked me over.

Macy smiled really big showing her dimples. God I love her smile.

"Sorry I knocked you over. And fussed at you."

Don't be because you literally knocked some since in me.

I got of Macy's bed and got her guitar. I sat back down beside her and started strumming.

I started singing....

You make me smile like the sun, roll out of bed, sun like a bird get dizzy In the head, spin like a record crazy on a Sunday night.

Macy falls back laughing. God I love her laugh its so loud and well different! But I love it!

She then snorts which makes me laugh.

So we just laid their laughing and joking around.

Macy the yawned and soon she was a sleep in my arms.

"Good night princess". I whispered in her ear. Then I soon fell into deep sleep too.


I have not updated in like forever but school is ending and I have a lot of testing and stuff, so yeah I've not been able to. But summer is coming so I may get to update a little bit more! But my parents r making me go to a camp so I will stay out of trouble:( but I will update when I can!!!!!

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