Chapter Thrirteen

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6 months ago

The long on my mother's face when I came out in the horrible orange colour was priceless. I was just waiting for her to faint. She didn't but it was damn close when she fanned herself yelling at the shop assistants for picking such a hideous dress.

I turned around in the mirror smiling, wow, I really think Orange was my colour.

"Ivory get down here, try this on," she said looking away like I was hideous and holding out a massive princess ball room puffy type dress with pink ribbon and I grimaced.

Damn I hated pink. BUt being the 'good' and 'obedient' daughter I was I grabbed the dress and marched into the trial rooms. My phone vibrated and I looked down at the phone on the seat and picked it up as I unzipped myself.

Can we talk?

I didn't even need to see who it was from, I knew. Switching off my phone I leaned against the wall the cold seeping into my back. 

"Can we talk," I whispered to myself.

"Like hell we can," I said scoffing.

"Ivory show me," snapped a voice from outside and I sighed pulling on the dress. I was starting a new 'life' now. It was best I had cut all threads, just like the extra thread that was hanging from the bottom of the dress. 

Present Time

The breeze was warm but calm drifting the smell of the fresh ocean towards me ruffling my pony tail making it stroke against my skin. The sand was warm and sharp against my feet, tickling my bare feet. I opened my eyes smiling.

Now this was my idea of relaxing.

I turned around frowning seeing Darius still unpacking the damn car. I shook my head walking back to give him a hand.


"What's taking you so long?" I asked walking up. His eyes narrowed on me and he went back to taking out the massive beach ball I placed.


"Why do you even need this for?" he asked chucking the ball. I grabbed it mid air hugging it to my chest, was he joking? With all these people on the beach, a game of friendly beach volleyball was a must! He closed the car's trunk and I helped him carry the bags to the beach leading him to a sunny yet shady spot near the trees. Placing the towel down I plonked myself down pulling things out of the bag while Darius looked out into the ocean.


"You going to come surfing?" I asked. He shook his head awkwardly sitting down brushing the sand of his jeans and I stifled a laugh. Who the hell wore jeans to the beach? But from the looks he was getting I'm sure no one minded in his faded blue jeans and white top, Every girl walking past, young and old grandmothers were giving him the eyes.


Which for some strange reason, annoyed me.


I lied back on the towel pulling the hem of my dress down sighing and closing my eyes. Ah this was life. Sitting under the palm trees on the beach and hearing people yelling and kids laughing.


I opened my eyes finding Darius looking at me. "What?" I asked. He shook his head taking out his phone and I rolled my eyes. I really should lock that phone away. This guy didn't even bring his bathers!

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