Chapter 3: Detention People

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Jack smirked and winked at the girls he passed by them walking to art class. With Mrs. Dunbroch as the teacher. Merida's mom.

When he reached the classroom, he sought the class was already starting and Mrs. Dunbroch was already speaking in front. He took a deep breath and entered.

"Mr. Overland. Yu are late.", Mrs. Dunbroch scowled.

"Ah, yea.. sorry about that.", Jack grinned.

Mrs. Dunbroch wasn't moved by anyone's charm, even Jack's. "Detention for yu, Mr. Overland. Be late to ma class again tomorro', I'll give yu detention fer twu weeks."

Jack's eyes widened and gritted his teeth quietly. "Yes. I am truly sorry for my tardiness, Mrs. Dunbroch. It won't happen again."

"Bett'r make sure of tha'. Take yor seat now. Next to Ms. Corona, perhaps she will be able to knock some sense into ya."

And with that, Jack sat next to the Ms. Corona whom he didn't know. But when he looked at her, he realized it was the Rapunzel from the cafeteria. Elsa's friend.

"Psst.", Jack quietly called out to her. But she didn't even glance.

"Hey, Rapunzel.", he called again.

Rapunzel looked at him for a while but went back to listening to the discussion. Jack squinted his eyes at her and smirked.

"Rapunzel! Don't do that, please!", Jack suddenly shouted, making everyone in the room look at him and Rapunzel.

The blonde's eyes widened as she looked at Jack.

"Mrs. Dunbroch! Rapunzel won't stop running her hands all over my jeans!", with a secret smirk, Jack lied out loud.

"What?!", Rapunzel exclaimed with a shocked expression.

"Ms. Corona! Tch.. aye nev'r wuld've guessed tha' this..", Mrs. Dunbroch gestured to Jack. ".. wuld be yer boyfriend."

"Mrs. Dunbroch, I--"

"Detention for tha both of yuh!"


After school was over, Rapunzel planned to go home and study for the history quiz tomorrow and Jack was supposed to practice for next week's game, but..

"I hate you.", Rapunzel muttered as she kept her face front and her arms folded on her desk.

"Come on, is that how you treat your boyfriend, sweet cheeks?", Jack curved his eyebrows and pouted his lips.

"Disgusting. We're not together and don't call me that.", she huffed.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows and dropped the act. "You know, I don't get you women. Us men try to look hot and desirable as possible, we practice our sexy looks and you just ignore our hard work."

"How can we women notice them.. when we don't care? And by the way, we're not machines or objects for you men to get. We're people. Specifically, we're women.", Rapunzel argued back.

"Right.", Jack sarcastically said as he rolled his eyes. "Well, we wouldn't be treating you women like objects if you could just.. make it easier for us to understand how you feel!"

"Understand?", Rapunzel laughingly scoffed. "There is never going to be a feeling for you to understand, okay? It's the bond that makes a man and a woman love each other."

"If a man and a woman can love each other.. how come most of us men can't find the right woman?", Jack widened his eyes.

"That's because you're not looking! You act like you do but you're just going through all those women to break their hearts because it's fun. Women are not obstacles for you to spend time with and then jump over when you find another one!"

"Why are you so affected, huh?", Jack laughed. "I bet that you've never even had a boyfriend. Why do you think you're so wise at these things?"

"That's because I was cheated on before!"


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