Chapter 11: Revelation

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The next day, Elsa finally got Rapunzel to skip school, with a lot of persuasion, with Merida and Anna so that they could go shopping.

"This is going to be great.", Elsa smiled. "You'll be going with Jack and I'll be going with Hans."

Rapunzel raised an eyebrow. "You said that you'll think about it first to him, right?"

"Yeah, but now I think yes. I can't go alone, you know. It'd ruin me.", she smiled.

"Never thought you'd out-socialite yourself, Elsa. But now I do."

"Shut up and--that's a cute dress for you!", Elsa exclaimed as she grabbed Rapunzel and walked into a dress shop called 'Chamois'.

Meanwhile, Merida and Anna ate at a KFC while they waited for Elsa and Rapunzel to finish shopping.

"Hey, how's Hiccup?", Anna asked.

Merida widened her eyes. "Wot?"

"I've known for a long time that you're dating. Tomorrow's your five year anniversary, right?", Anna smiled. "Yeah, Hiccup accidentally told me, like a month ago."

"Och, he culd nev'r relly keep anythin' a secret.", Merida squinted her eyes and muttered. "But yeah, w're tugeder."

"Well, I'm so happy for you. I think you should tell Elsa and Rapunzel, though. They don't know."

"Look, ayhm scared uf wot dey'll say. Elsa will freak owt and Rapunzel will make a speech and--", Anna cut her off by holding out a fried chicken. "Things have changed, bruh.", she said.

"Heck, Rapunzel is with Jack and Elsa is with Hans. Even I'm with Kristoff.", Anna reminded her.

"Wait, ye're guing wid Kristoff?", Merida asked.

"Haha, here's hoping!", Anna raised her fried chicken in the air.


"Hmm..", Jack hummed as he drummed his fingers on the lunch table where he sat with Kristoff, Hans and Hiccup.

Eugene didn't attend school because he was 'sick', so..

"Should I be worried? Should I text her? Is she in trouble?", Jack worriedly said.

Hans, Hiccup and Kristoff looked at each other and chuckled before turning back to Jack. "I think you're way past to being worried.", Hans said with a laugh.

"Come on, guys! This is the first time I've felt like this! Help me out here! I don't know what to do!", Jack exclaimed and slammed his hands on his head, messing up his hair.

"That's love for you, chump.", Kristoff patted him on his back.

"And to make it all better, Merida texted me earlier that she and the girls were skipping school to go shopping today.", Hiccup informed.

"Thank god!", Jack cheered.

"Since when are you and Merida friends?", Hans smirked.

Jack, Hans and Kristoff looked at Hiccup, their faces smeared with devious smirks.

"Gosh darn it.", Hiccup groaned, running both of his hands in his hair.

"Come on, spill it.", Jack chuckled as he pinched Hiccup's cheek, receiving a light punch from him.

"Yeah, spill le beans, Monsieur Haddock.", Hans repeated.

"Oh, fine. But you guys have to swear that this does not leave this class.", Hiccup frowned.

"We swear.", Hans and Jack both said at the same time.

Hiccup looked at Kristoff, who only had a weird smile on his face. Hans smacked Kristoff's arm. "I swear, too, sure enough.", Kristoff said.

"Okay. Merida and I are dating.", Hiccup confessed, the blood draining from his face with anxiousness.

"Well, that's great, isn't it?", Hans smiled.

"It's good that you're going out with her. Just means that we could all go ride in one limo to prom.", Jack said with a proud smile.

"Good to know.", Kristoff chuckled. "How long have you been together?"

Hiccup blinked before saying, "Tomorrow makes it.. five years.. but wait, aren't you guys going to freak out or something? It's like.. big news."

"We suspected it, duh.", Jack smiled widely at his friend.

"But have you and Merida had..?", Hans asked, leaning in.

"Had what?", Hiccup asked.

"You know.. sex.", Hans blandly said.

"Of course not!", Hiccup blurted out, eyes wide and all. Also, getting the attention of the teacher.

"Is there anything wrong, Mr. Haddock?", the teacher, Ms. De Vil, asked with a drawn eyebrow raised at the brown haired student.

"No! Not at all, Ms. De Vil. Please, continue the lesson.", Hiccup answered politely with a nervous smile on his cheeky face.

The teacher raised her upper lip at Hiccup before slowly turning back to the blackboard.


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