Chapter 4: Real Talk

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With what Rapunzel exclaimed, Jack laughed.

"What's so funny?", Rapunzel glared at him.

"You know, you are hilarious. I never even knew.", Jack wouldn't stop laughing as he held his belly with his hands.

Rapunzel sighed and rolled her eyes as she brought out a book and started reading, making Jack stop laughing.

"Oh, come on, babe. Don't get too offended. Oops, sorry. We're not all virgins here.", he said with a smirk. But Rapunzel ignored him as she kept her focus on the book she was reading.

Jack snapped his fingers twice near her face. "Hey, you can't ignore me if you wanted to, sweetheart."

"You know what?", Rapunzel started to say as she placed her bookmark on the page she was reading and closed it before facing Jack. "You are what everyone says you are."

"And what is that? Hot and just really handsome?"

Rapunzel scoffed. "No. An arrogant, reckless, male slut who doesn't do anything but try and get into every girl's pants. I'm not usually surprised when I meet a guy like you. But you, specifically, surprised me.", with that, she continued reading.

Jack held his head down and smirked. "You want to play games with me, Corona? Then games you shall get.", he whispered.


When the two were finally done with detention, Rapunzel headed on home, but she was irritated when Jack followed her.

"What are you trying to pull, Overland?", she exclaimed as she stopped in her tracks and faced Jack.

"What do you mean, 'pull'? We're neighbors, we live on the same street.", with the information Kristoff gave him, he started to put them to good use.

Rapunzel realized it was true, so she just shut her mouth and continued walking to her house.

Jack smirked as he walked right by her. "You know, I don't buy your act, Corona.", he suddenly said.

"What act?", she asked.

"I know you'll eventually fall for me. Every girl at school has.", he answered with pride.

"Well, know this, Overland. I am not interested in you. I have got important things to worry about that aren't you.", she spat before she ran into her house when they reached their street.

Jack just kept smirking as he walked to his house that was next door. "Just like the houses in You Belong With Me, huh, Kristoff?", he muttered as he looked at Rapunzel's room, which was in front of his, making Jack really think about it.


"Hmm.. history, history, history.", Rapunzel muttered as she brought out her history book and opened it to start reading.

But then she heard something hit her window. She looked to her right and saw that Jack, from his room in his house, was throwing random stuff at her window.

She sighed as she just tried to drown out the sound by wearing her earphones and cranked up the volume of her music to the maximum amount.

"Okay.. history, here I go.", she smiled to herself as she started reading comfortably as she listened to her favorite songs.



Oh em gee, guys.

Didn't think that you'd like this story so much. The votes are blowing through the roof!

Of course, it hasn't beaten my most voted part out of all my stories, which is from 'Did I.. Make the Right Choice?', which has 54 votes.

Anyway, thanks for reading, Justers!

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