Chapter 9: Think And.. Action!

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After a few hours of practicing, Jack finally got the hang of it. Now, their only problem was the singing part.

"Follow my voice, Jack.. today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you.", Rapunzel instructed and sang.

Jack just stared at her for a while. She had an angelic voice, a pure one. It was like staring at a beautiful angel singing. He cleared his throat first before trying to sing.

"Uhm.. to-daay is gonna-be the day that they're gonna-throw it back t'you.", he sang and shyly smiled. Rapunzel just sighed and smiled at him for his given effort.

"That was all right, you just have to slow down your singing and match my pitch, okay?", she said.

"Okay, ma'am..", Jack just simply sighed as he repeated that same part of the song they were going to sing. Rapunzel looked at him while he did so. She couldn't help but smile at the goof.


Then again, hours passed practicing. But finally, they were finished and Jack had to go home. Rapunzel's parents still hadn't gone home, so Jack had a little spare time to say goodbye as the two of them stood on Rapunzel's front porch.

"You were great today, Jack.", Rapunzel said with a smile.

"Well, you were amazing. I didn't know you could sing that well.", Jack replied back, high complimenting her.

She just grinned and raised an eyebrow at him. Later, her mischievous look faded when she realized something.

"Hey, what's that sudden change of face?", he asked worriedly.

"I'm sorry.. about earlier. I just got mad. I didn't really mean to.", Rapunzel apologized as she repeatedly sighed.

Jack chuckled and clicked his clenched fist with her chin. "That's never been a problem to me, Corona. But I did want to ask you something ever since I saw you.", he suddenly got shy all of a sudden, unaware that he even was.

Rapunzel leaned in with an open ear.

"Will you be my date to the prom?", Jack finally asked as he breathed as he did so. The blonde had her eyes wide as she furrowed her eyebrows.

When she didn't answer, Jack started chuckling nervously. "Look, I know the prom is two days away, but we could still make last call-"

"It's really sweet that you're asking me to the prom but my answer is no. It's not that I think that you're not suitable for me, I just don't go to these things.", she said, cutting him off, before walking inside and closing her door.

Leaving a confused Jack at her front door.


"I really thought I had it in the bag.", Jack pouted as he held a bottle of beer in hand. Eugene, Kristoff, Hans and even Hiccup came to his house when Jack had texted them to come over to his house. To his room.

"Evidently, you didn't.", Hiccup pointed out.

"Thank you for pointing out the obvious, Hic. Really helpful to my case.", Jack sarcastically said with a sigh as he gulped.

"Okay, go easy on Jack now. He's had a rough night with all the blondes in his life.", Eugene said from Jack's couch where he and Hans sat while playing video games.

"But you know, I think Rapunzel really liked you.", Hiccup smiled at Jack, lifting his spirits up.

Eugene, on the other hand, felt uneasy as he heard Hiccup.

"Don't be too sure, that blonde is a hard one to get when she knows she can't even be with her bitchy attitude.", Eugene chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean?", Jack exclaimed, standing up.

"Here we go..", Hiccup muttered.

"And I thought we were going to play video games and have fun.", Hans whispered to himself with a disappointed look on his face.


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