Chapter 5: Jock In Need

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The next day, Rapunzel met up with Anna, Elsa and Merida at the school front where they usually hung out before classes started.

"Hey, I heard that you were dating Jack now.", Anna said to Rapunzel after a while of talking.

"Wo, what?!", Elsa exclaimed.

Rapunzel sighed as she shook her head. "The idiot shouted that I wouldn't stop caressing his legs. I hate him even more for that."

Elsa nodded, understanding, then she went back to texting on her phone with a jolly smile on her face.

"Well, now da whole schul thinks yo're tugeder. Whot are ye gonnuh du abowt tha?", Merida asked.

"I'm just going to have to ignore it.", she sighed.


"Oh, man, I can't believe you did that to Rapunzel!", Eugene laughed as he patted Jack on the back.

"That was somewhat inappropriate yet satisfyingly amusing.", Hiccup sighed as he rolled his eyes at Jack.

"Does that mean good or..?", Jack asked.

"It's pretty good.", Hiccup answered with a chuckle.

"Nice! Hey, Kris, you okay?", Jack faced Kristoff with an eyebrow raised, wondering why Kristoff was looking nauseous.

Kristoff shook his head and said, "No. Hic, those are big words."

"Oh, come on! Everyone knows what 'somewhat inappropriate' and 'satisfyingly amusing' means.", Hans sighed.

"Nah, these two are idiots.", Eugene laughed as he pointed to Jack and Kristoff, who furrowed their eyebrows.

Jack frowned and said, "I'm so not an idiot. I know what they mean! I'm not stupid, unlike Kristoff."

"Hey!", Kristoff exclaimed.

"Pray tell.", Hans chuckled.

"Well, uh..", Jack started. "..somewhat inappropriate means like.. kind of not proper. And uh.. satisfyingly amusing is.. pretty funny. How did I do?", he asked pridefully.

"Well, those are pretty good. Good job, Jack. I'm proud of you.", Hiccup smiled at him as he gave him a thumbs up.

"How about me?!", Kristoff asked.

"Huh, well.. you really need to get a tutor to get your grades up, man. Or else.. you wouldn't be able to excel to senior year.", Hiccup sadly told him.

"What does 'excel' mean?"

"See? That's what I'm talking about.", Hiccup sighed frustratingly.

"I agree with Hiccup. You need a tutor.", Hans said then looked at Eugene and Jack, who nodded in agreement.

"Why don't you guys tutor me?"

"Oh, no way. We've gotta study for ourselves. Jack's already behind and Elsa was tutoring him but.. there was a certain casualty.", Hiccup said as he clicked his tongue.

"Well, I'll get Rapunzel as my tutor.", Jack smiled.

"You sure you can make her your tutor, the person she really hates at the moment.. maybe even forever?", Eugene laughingly asked.

"Please. She loves me to bits. Easy peasy, baby.", Jack answered confidently as he smirked.

"But still, you need someone to tutor you, Kris. You might repeat eleventh grade. And that's bad.", Hiccup went back to the topic.

"Well, I don't know anybody else who's smart."

"Oh! I can get someone for you. Immediately.", Hans grinned as he smudged his hands together diabolically.

"Oh, thanks, man.", Kristoff smiled.

"I have a bad feeling about this, Hic.", Eugene whispered to Hiccup as he slightly gestured to Hans.

"Ah, well, what can we do?", Hiccup took a sip from his drink.


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