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Skylar's hair^^^

Tyler's P. O. V

She left when she noticed I knew it was her from that night. I followed her into the garage and noticed she was on the counter in front of a guy pouting. She looked cute like that. 

The guy started kissing her, I swear I thought that I should go up there and punch him but I can't do that just because I'm jealous. Wait, did I just admit I was jealous? This is the first time I've actually had feelings for a girl other than wanting her for sex. I was so busy thinking about my feelings that I didn't notice she got up. When she did I noticed her look at me and quickly turn away.

 I was hurt to say the least. I felt betrayed. I shouldn't be feeling this way because I don't even know her name. That's when I realized that I wouldn't be able to find her again unless I found out her name. So I did the only thing I could think of and went up to the guy.

 I coughed from behind him and he turned around. I asked him if he knew who owned the Hennessy venom because I didn't think he would tell me who she is if I asked for her directly. "why do you want to know?" "because it's a nice car and I want to know where I can get one." "oh, well if that's the case her name is Queen." "Queen?" "yeah that's her racing name, I can't give out her real name, sorry." "it's cool, thanks." "no problem." I turned around and started walking to my car, I noticed her getting into her car and I decided to follow her. 

She drove out of the lot and started driving slower while looking around. So I drove slower and stayed a couple spaces behind her. I noticed she was driving towards an abandoned house, there were a lot of cars there so there are probably a lot of people . When she got close, she got out and went into the house. So I quietly crept up to the house trying to see if I could find out anything about her.

Skylar's P. O. V

After I left, I went to one of my gang houses, because we need new members so I have to pick some out. I decided I needed about three more girls and 2 more guys.

 So when I went into the house I sat down on the counter and decided that I need more people in fighting and seduction. I need a guy and a girl in seduction and two girls and a guy in fighting. I told Ciara to send them into the kitchen one at a time and no one was allowed to come in during the initiation test.

 A girl walked in and I noticed she was about 5'6" and she had long brown hair with red streaks in it. She looked really confident so I'm guessing she came for seduction. "what are you trying to join the gang as" "seduction" "OK, show me what you got." She smirked then walked up to me and kissed me softly. She pulled away slightly while biting my lip. She let go of my lip and started trailing kisses down my neck slowly, I moaned softly when she reached my sweet spot and she smiled and started sucking there. Damn, she's good."o-OK" I said trying to hold back another moan. "you are definitely in" she smiled and left the kitchen. Ciara sent in a guy around 6'2" with long blonde hair and green eyes, I have to admit he's hot and we'll built. I hope he's here for seduction. "what are you here for?" "fighting" damn. "OK, let's start." 

I swung my leg at him which he caught and twisted it so I flipped onto the floor. I got back up and decided I was going to have to try to get him to fight back because so far he isn't. "why aren't you fighting back?" "because that wouldn't be fair to me" "how?" "because you might be my leader and I don't want go fight my leader." "you have to fight me to get in the gang." "fine" with that I went to punch him in the face but he grabbed my hand and punched me in the stomach. That's gonna bruise later. I took a couple steps back and held my stomach, getting ready for my next move. 

I decided to try to kick him in the gut but he moved before I could. He went to my side and kicked me in my stomach. I bent down and held my stomach again. He looked guilty and sad. "I'm fine, so keep going." he hesitated but slowly gave in. I pushed him back and punched him in the face. He quickly recovered and pinned me down on the floor. "did I hurt you too much?" worry laced in his voice. "a little but not too much, I'll be fine." with that said I flipped us so I had him pinned down. He looked up at me with lust in his eyes. "I like this position." He said. "I do too." You could tell he was surprised I said that.

Then I realized there were still other people I had to give the initiation tests to. I bent down and whispered in his ear. "we'll continue this later." I kissed under his ear and got up. "you passed." He smiled. And that's how most of the tests went by. 

After all the tests I left the kitchen and told everyone who got in and who didn't. I told the people who didn't make it into the black dahlias that they did make it into one of my other gangs, the gold serpents. After everyone left it was just me and the sexy blonde guy from earlier. I found out his name is Justin. We started where we left off and ended up naked in my bed upstairs.

OK just telling you guys that I'm going to try updating every other night, if It's a little longer than that I'm sorry but with school it might take a little longer to update. Comment and vote if you liked it. But remember this is my first story so I want you guys to tell me if something's wrong or if you don't like something. I want to make this story better for you guys and I'm going to try to make it a long story.

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