Birthday Surprises (Part 2)

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Skylar's P.O.V

When the party in the gym was over we all started walking to lunch. We chose to just go the cafeteria even though we already ate. We all sat down and started talking. I sat on Jacob's lap. I saw Tiffany watching me. I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen but I just shrugged the feeling off. I started talking to Ciara, Esmeralda, and Jameisha, while Jacob was talking to the guys. "I can't believe i put blue and pink in my hair just for a dare. I'm dying my hair again soon, who's coming with me?" I asked the girls. They all replied with a yes. "Can I go with you?" Jacob asked me. "Of course, I'm  going to need your opinion." I said. He looked confused when i said that. "Why would you need my opinion when you would look perfect with whatever color you get? Jacob asked. I blushed but said, "Because not everyone thinks that." He looked at me. "It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, what matters is what you think." He said to me. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. We were interrupted by Esmeralda sayin to look behind me. When i looked behind me, i saw Tiffany. Jacob pulled me closer to him. "Hey nerd." Tiffany said. I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore her. "Why are you sitting with them? Shouldn't you be in the library?" She said. I kept ignoring her until she said something that crossed the line. "Where is mommy and daddy? Oh wait, i forgot, they're dead. She said smiling. I closed my eyes, trying to calm down. I felt Jacob tense. "What the fuck is wrong with you!? Just leave her alone!" He said loudly. I could tell that he was pissed about what Tiffany said. Tiffany just smiled and kept going, "Awww, is the nerd about to cry?" She said laughing but continued talking, "No one cares about you. Jacob doesn't even like you, he just feels bad for you." By now i was silently crying. When she said that about Jacob, he held me tighter and said, "Tiffany, i like and care about her more than anything. She has a lot of people that care about her. So stop being a bitch and leave her alone." He carried me out of the cafeteria. He brought me to the car and buckled me in and everything. He closed my door, got in the drivers seat and started the car. "You know me and the gang care about you more than anything, right?" He asked me quietly. I nodded and said, "I know, but she wasn't lying about my parents' death." He sighed and started driving. He held my hand until we got home. When we got home i decided to work out. I changed into shorts and a sports bra. I put my hair in a ponytail and started my workout by doing 50 push ups. When i finished with my push ups, i did 100 crunches. After crunches, i did 70 squats. Then i started working with the punching bag. I kept punching and kicking until my knuckles were bleeding and my legs hurt. Even though my legs were hurting i pushed myself further by running on the treadmill for an hour. By the time i was done with everything, i felt like my body was on fire. I layed down on my stomach, on a mat, trying not to move. Jacob came in shortly after i layed down. He sat next to me and started rubbing my back gently. It was helping to ease my muscles but i was still in a little pain. He picked me up and put me on his lap. He held my by the waist using one hand and massaged my shoulders with his other hand. I dont know why but i just silently started crying. I think that it was because of everything Tiffany said. He held me tightly. "Shh, baby, I'm here." He said. After a couple minutes i calmed down and stopped crying. He turned me around in his lap so that i was facing him. He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. "There's my beautiful princess." He said smiling. I smiled and kissed him. "Do you want to open your presents now or when the gang gets here?" He asked. I smiled because he made me forget that i was just crying. He acted like everything was normal. I thought about it for a couple of seconds and said, "It depends, did you get me anything that you wouldn't want anyone else to see?" He looked down shyly and said, "Don't open the ones in your room until everyone leaves." I smile and i notice that my body doesn't hurt anymore, so i made a plan in my head. Jacob looked worried. "Babe, you have your thinking face on and nothing good ever comes from that face." He said nervously. I smile evilly while straddling him. "What do you mean?" I ask innocently. I push him down gently until he is laying down with me straddling him. "You know exactly what i mean." He was right, i did know what he meant and i was about to prove it. I started kissing him slowly and moved against his manhood. I felt him get excited and whispered in his ear, "You're right i know exactly what you mean, im the devil disguised as an angel." Right when i said that, i got off of him, ran to the living room and hid behind the couch. "You are such a tease!" I heard him yell out. A couple minutes later he came into the living room. "Princess, you're in big trouble." He said. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to leave. I guess he didn't leave because a couple seconds later a pair of arms grab me. I open my eyes to see Jacob. He had an evil smile on his face. "Ready for your punishment princess?" I looked at him with wide eyes. He only does one kind of punishment to me. "P-Please don't." I say nervously to him. He looked straight at me and started tickling me. This is my punishment. Im very ticklish and i absolutely hate it, he knows that its one of my weaknesses. I was laughing so hard from being tickled, that i couldnt breathe. "S-Stop p-please, I-I won't d-do it a-again." I said while laughing. He didnt stop because me and him both new that im probably going to do it again. We were both interrupted by a loud cough. Jacob stopped tickling me and we both looked up to see the gang looking at us. Me and Jake probably look crazy, im still in my sports bra and shorts while jacob is only in jeans. I felt my cheeks heat up, i looked down and tried to catch my breath. I was sure that if i could see myself, my face would look as red as a tomato. I looked up again and saw that Ciara, Esmeralda, and Jameisha were all giving me amused looks. 

Sorry i took so long with the update and i know i have a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes but when the story is done im going to go through and edit everything. 

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