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"As of May 4th, 1999 there was a confirmation that a mutation runs spontaneously through the human genome. There were extensive tests and observations focused on a target subject for approximately a decade after the containment of such specimen and as a precautionary warning to everyone, it would be best to accept the Cure that is now—"

Suddenly, General Macintyre was no longer on the screen. He wasn't speaking at a podium; he wasn't surrounded by law enforcements on a stage headed by press and civilians. There was a dark screen with a dark curtain and a dark figure standing in front of it, in a hood and mask.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the voice spoke with no defining characteristics. The same grey color emitted from the screen, but it was different than a usual male voice. It was obviously disguised and a bit high pitched or off centered. There was a picture of Macintyre muted but speaking where the broadcast once was. "This is the government you turn to," the figure gestured. "This is the government telling Special people with special abilities that they are nothing more than a deformity in the world. They are nothing more than wrong...This man and a small band of officials have massacred an entire species' adolescents who were contained in an institute in which we thrived—an institute the government and Special Services thought they could use to control us. Well they were wrong. Killing us off and attempting to cure us is going to take a hell of a lot more work than that. From me to General Macintyre...prepare for war. From us to the other Special people out in the world trying to hide from their talents: pick a side. You either join your own, or disguise yourself with those who are afraid."

The news feed cut out and we were now seeing a female news anchor talking to someone off screen about what was going on and how they were taken over on air. With one glance to the boys, I knew that there was another problem we had to worry about.

"So not only is Macintyre advocating for the Cure to anyone with powers, now we have some Mutant-Extremist trying to fight against it," Tyler summarized. My gaze fell away from him.

"What I'm confused about is how the hell Macintyre isn't arrested for this sh!t yet."

"He covered his tracks," Tyler said. "Even I just recently found out he was orchestrating this whole thing. There's no proof he had anything to do with this. He can easily blame it on Jase—or especially me considering I'm still alive."

"Well whose fault is that?" Cheshire asked offensively. Then I remembered something.

"Zaine," I muttered before the boys bickered. Cheshire raised an eyebrow at me. "Zaine was the test subject. His entire childhood was based around military involvement with his powers. I'm surer than anything that Macintyre didn't completely erase eight years of collected information on Zaine."

"And where would we find that?" Cheshire asked.

"It won't work," Tyler said.

"Yes it will," I encouraged. "We'll find the files and lab reports and anything we can and present it as not only a reassurance that there's everything going on with him, but that Macintyre can't just finish off a genocide with some stupid drug to 'cure' us."

"Alright, but where do we start?"

"It won't work," Tyler repeated with a certain gloom.

"Well not with that attitude, but—"

"It's not an attitude, I just know that—ugh, you don't get it, Aspen," he struggled before turning his shoulders and leaving me to Cheshire.

"I think you hurt his feelings," Cheshire chuckled and I lightly hit his chest. "Want me to talk to him?"

"As if," I rolled my eyes. "I'll go."

I found Cheshire, pacing. It was strange because his body was in a constant blur as if his sped up legs wanted to carry him to further hallways for his frustrations, but couldn't. I just sat against the nearest wall and waited for him to vent like he used to when he got worked up. However, the Tyler I knew would take his anger out on the football field. The Chevy-Tyler now...who knows?

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