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"I grew up in San Antonio with Aspen and Wilbur—we've known each other our whole lives actually," Tyler began before stating that he preferred to go by Tyler since that's who he was to us. He went on to reveal what he knew about the invasion and anything up until the current day. Of course Judge Connally wanted to know everything else about him that led to that point beforehand—not just the massacre itself. I was just as curious. "Two years ago, Aspen and I got in a car accident right in front of Wilbur which caused both of their powers to surface and the Agency to step in to take them to the Academy. I, on the other hand, was reported as dead on the scene and that was it for me. I woke up a week later in my coffin six feet under when Jase was ripping a hole through the ground because he had been tracking specific mutants for years and didn't believe someone with my kind of powers should've died like that—"

"Yes, we were quite interested to find out you had powers after your run-in with the Society," Hensley commented, causing Tyler's eyes to narrow for a second before looking at Macintyre.

"I find that interesting," he said.

"Why is that interesting?" asked Connally.

"Because the Agency should've had on file that I had powers," he elaborated.

"The Agency knew deceased Tyler Lane had powers, not this Chevy character."

"Again, I find that interesting."

"Why's that?" Hensley now asked.

"Because General Macintyre knew who I was the whole time and he just said it himself he's in charge of the Agency," he announced and caused a ruckus on the floor. I watched for a change on Macintyre's face, but he was a trained man without emotions. Tyler still continued to glare through him. "I named myself 'Chevy' because that was the truck that hit us. I didn't know I had powers any more than the people around me knew, so I didn't want it associated with my name or my family's name," he explained and I felt my chest go hollow at that sentiment—no matter how much damage that derivative name caused. Tyler looked back over to the judge. "So when Jase found me and told me he had a vendetta against an Academy that trained kids with powers—all because of some accident that happened years ago, he also mentioned that's where they sent Aspen and Wilbur. So I joined forces with him."

"Again proving why these impulses are not suited for people with mutations—"

"You seemed to think differently according to what you told me and Jase because our impulsivity is what you needed," Tyler told Macintyre. "When me and Jase originally teamed up with a small army that already had plans, we thought we were working with someone in charge who had the same vendetta against the Academy, but it was much deeper than that, wasn't it?" he accused before looking back over to Connally. "I didn't know it was General Macintyre who was in charge until after the fact. Now that I think about it, it made sense because how else would we have military trained soldiers and schematics and every piece of information on everyone who had ever been under the Society's radar or at the Academy, but if we had a literal war hero on our side, why was I the one doing all the strategy? I even asked him that and he told me about how he couldn't make the plans because he had been running the Agency and running research on his own."

The courtroom continued to chatter, but everyone at our table stayed silent. I think I saw Macintyre gulp.

"See, General Macintyre had powers a long time ago," Tyler announced and that was the first time something out of his mouth was new information to us. "I'm not too sure what they were, but I know that they withered away and he desperately wanted them back so he tried developing ways to enhance the mutated genes in others so maybe he could re-strengthen his own that had gone latent. That's conveniently when the Noble accident happened and Zaine was available...So he experimented on Zaine on his own while the Agency was being formed and got nowhere. Zaine's family pulled him out of the program and he still couldn't find a solution years later...which made sense for why he sought out Jase because Jase's power over energy allowed him to absorb his father's powers of dimension jumping. But Jase wasn't the lab rat type so Macintyre decided that if he couldn't have his powers back, the world had to be ridded of theirs too."

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