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"Well after Sentara came back with Isaac, she told us what happened at the school since she teleported us," Cariba began. "She tried to get as many people out as she could, but eventually the syringes ran out so the next best things were bullets, so she had to get out too. She was so busy transporting students back to their parents or to a safe house someplace that by the time she checked our unit's tunnel and the rest of the island, we were already gone. Then she tried to find Maxwell since he had disappeared from the Academy before the announcement for us all to meet. Well, she found him in some lab with all this medical shit attached to him like they were harnessing his powers or something...Sentara got him just about when Warren and Isaac did. And then I guess you were there for most of the whole explosions thing. And then more news kept coming and coming at the hospital after Sentara and Isaac got there."

"What else happened?" I asked as she looked down.

"Well they told us that Zaine was rushed into surgery because the sword Jase used spontaneously just slid out of him on his bed and he began bleeding. But as soon as they got him into the operating room, the wound was gone," she said and then her eyes met mine again just briefly before I was the one looking down since all of that was my fault. "He woke up and started demanding answers and then went rampant when the cops locked down the building because Chevy was missing and so were you and Cheshire. Since then, a bunch of the Agency has been in and out since the whole situation is complicated, but they lightened up."


"I don't know," she shrugged. "Maybe because we had to bury one of our own and Zaine's never lost anyone under his command let alone it be at the same time his girlfriend goes missing with the man who's behind all of this...And then this whole Cure business. Zaine thinks they're playing nice because the rumor going around is that part of our plea is taking the Cure to just rid all our crimes."

"What!? That's crazy!" I exclaimed. "We didn't even do anything wrong!"

"According to them, we hijacked a jet—"

"That was Maxwell's and it was an emergency."

"—without a pilot's license—"

"Skye can literally fly so I don't see it as a problem."

"—we broke out of detainment—"

"Illegal detainment."

"—we stole at least, like, five cars that I can think of off the top of my head that doesn't include the two that were driven here," she added.

"Those were contingencies," I defended.

"Not to mention the whole attack on the government building thing and incitement to riot for making a spectacle of it."

"Okay, they weren't really a branch of the government were they?" I asked. "They worked under Macintyre and Jase—that's hardly any authority. They're the ones who massacred our school so we gave them some retaliation. And Jase was the one who blew up the building and hurt all those people!"

"And what about this 'Chevy' guy you're trying to protect?" Cariba questioned. "You don't think he's at fault for anything?"

"Personally, yes I do because he's done a lot of damage, but if he says that some telepath was in his head, I can't exactly blame him entirely," I answered.

"'Blame him entirely'?" she repeated with her angered, Aussie accent. "He was the brains of all of this, Aspen. He worked with Macintyre and he worked with Jase."

"It's different," I said. "Macintyre wants an army—or some advantage we can't figure out. Jase wanted blood for Maxwell's institution because of what happened with his dad—"

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