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After entering the court room, the first thing I noticed was the fact that it wasn't just a court room. The room was set up like a summit ready for diplomatic interjections and questionings. There were two columns of seating like most justice-rooms, but there was also a balcony above us which was sure to sit non-essential personnel and allowed journalists. I was sure to notice the camera as if it would be televised maybe even sooner than I realized my parents sitting in the crowd ironically beside Marshall Union. They sat alongside other non-suit-dressed people I assumed to be family of the unit. Other than them, the audience was filled with suited up politicians, doctors, and military personnel—all invested in the outcome of today's events.

The twelve of us took our seats at the long table centered in front of where the judge's panel would sit. Sentara sat at the furthest left seat which was the perfect spot for Jane to hug her. I found myself looking down to the aisle to my right to see Zaine gazing over us all before electing to sit three seats down from me near Warren. Once he did, he shot me a look with a faint smile and I had to return it to be optimistic.

"Where the hell is Cheshire?" Cariba muttered to me at my side and I really hoped he hadn't run off with Alice...again. We needed him here.

"And Tyler," Wilbur added from my left. I looked over to see if he was asking with concern, but his blue eyes wanted nothing more than justice for his friend who couldn't even be in the hearing due to Tyler.

Suddenly, the side bailiff doors opened and there was a slight tussle before a smirking Cheshire was ushered in with normal handcuffs that I was sure he could break out of if he wanted. I was just glad to see he was alive and here.

"Always has to make an entrance," Andres laughed as the bailiff made sure to harshly sit Cheshire down in the seat next to Zaine before undoing the cuffs.

"Really?" Cariba scoffed towards Cheshire, who refrained from his true desire to prop his feet up on the table with his hands behind his head.

"What did you do now?" Warren asked him.

"Don't worry about it," Cheshire laughed with no sign of Blake Nichols coming about. He snickered to himself with his supportive audience of Andres, but eventually his arrogant act was cut short not when he realized Zaine was glaring over at him, but when his beautiful eyes made contact with mine. His expression dropped.

"How's Alice?" I asked mostly in a friendly manner but also because one mention of her name and he would promptly quit his shit. I think he knew what I was getting at too, because when the bailiff started speaking, his eyes had just begun to change into purple and he opened his mouth for a response.

"All rise. Court is now in session, the honorable Judge Connally presiding," he informed and everyone stood up. Aside from the grand man walking through the opposite doors that Cheshire arrived in, a few military men including Colonel Matthews entered their room and took their positions as well. "You may now be seated."

We did as we were told and took our seats. It was only now that my heart started to race more and more so much that Wib reached over to grab my hand. This only made me appreciate him but also allow me the extraordinary ability I had recovered to acutely hear the pounding of everyone's hearts sitting near us. I wondered if this was of Wib's doing, but his composure didn't change so I figured it was some fluke in my powers just like the bouts of strength I inherited at odd times.

"While the tragedy taken place on August nineteenth has been exposed to the public, today we plan to get record of all events taken place that day and thereafter for the safety and security of our citizens on a national and global field," Judge Connally began without a greeting.

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