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Our meal in the middle of the night was absolutely tacit. Everyone kept their eyes on their plate aside from two people: Wib and Warren. While Warren glared at Tyler's every move in a scowl, I expected that to be Zaine instead. And while I thought Tyler would be glaring at me for pitied protection, he was busy stuffing his face and blaming his fast metabolism for the three rounds of food he's eaten. It was Wib glaring at me the whole time without even touching his food. And finally, after finishing half my plate, I sighed about it.

"Wilbur, stop," Zaine suddenly said in a normal volume and then placed down his utensils.

"You don't have to—" I pleaded.

"He's been giving orders around here so what's new?" Wib asked with attitude and then his blue eyes shifted back to mine. "Oh right, you're back," he finished.

"Hey, Wib..." Tyler muttered, but was immediately shot a look.

"Shut up," Warren groaned before Cariba nudged him. He looked down to her. "What?" he asked her before looking back at Tyler. "Stay out of their business."

"Their business?" Tyler laughed. "I've known them longer than—"

"We get it. You've known them your whole life and it's enough to rage war and be a douche," Warren interrupted.

"Warren," Zaine named.

"You know it's true!" Warren insisted and I could see his eyes lighten to an orange color. I saw Zaine's jaw tick as he refrained from what he was really trying to say so I sighed even more about that purely because I didn't want the altercation in the first place.

"It's between them," Zaine insisted respectfully towards me and Wib. He continued to glare at me.

"What, you go on vacation with Cheshire and Tyler. Cheshire's off on a honeymoon. Tyler's suddenly forgiven after massacring all these people. You've been back for less than a day and you've already gotten Zaine better off and on your side," Wib listed. I knew what he was getting at and it made me look down upon myself. "But me? I'm your brother and you haven't had not one conversation with me—Even Tyler's tried to talk to me, and you found just about every other reason to—"

"Then let's talk," I finally decided and scooted my chair back to leave the dining room and the house all together. I heard Wib's chair move as well and heard him stomp behind me. It made me realize yet again how I couldn't see sounds (or even hear better) anymore and I was starting to think it had something to do with being away from Wib for so long.

"Oh what, we're going outside?" he asked, grabbing my arm to make me face him. He began to sign: "Why not just hash this out like old times?"

"Because this isn't like old times if you hadn't noticed!" I raised my voice and continued through the house and out to the patio where I was over an hour ago with Zaine. But no we only stood and there were acres and acres of darkness behind us outside of the mansion's exterior lights.

I crossed my arms and looked up to my little brother.

"I'm sorry about leaving you," I told him.

"Are you?"

"Yes," I emphasized.

"I don't think you are," he expressed. "You didn't even tell me you were leaving. You made no effort at contacting me, and—"

"I'm sorry," I repeated. "I didn't want to leave, but I had to. I—I visited Zaine and he started bleeding out and when I left, I was freaking out and—and—Tyler appeared and then Cheshire and we left trying to find the other kids from the Academy before we knew Sentara did it."

Nothing Less than ExtraordinaryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora