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I woke up on the floor with mass amounts of disorientation. Maybe I was woken by the piercing alarm ringing through my ears. My vision was blurred and it took a while for my limbs to regain feeling, but my mind went to Wilbur and my parents immediately. While I was down, the only thing I could see was Warren on top of Cariba's body. As soon as I was ridded of being paralyzed, I looked over my shoulder to see a missing Wib. He was gone along with Sumer, Sentara, and Chance so I figured maybe Sentara had teleported them out in time. To the right of where they once were, Skye, Cheshire, and the twins sat comfortably in their undestroyed seats beneath a lowering invisible force field held by Indica. Now I really got up to look to where the destroyed benches were. Even though there were lifeless or groaning bodies laying around, my parents along with the other families were sitting tensely on their unbroken benches. Thank you Indica.

I felt a hand on my back and my heart jumped before realizing it was Zaine with singed off areas of his nice clothes. "You okay?" he asked me beneath the muffled ringing of my ears. "Aspen?" one of the blurred Zaine's asked. I didn't answer him due to my disorientation. I looked down to see Warren groaning as he rolled off of an unresponsive Cariba who he immediately began to shake while calling her name. No.

I crouched down to touch her exposed ankle and hoped more than anything that I could help her. If I could heal an undeserving Tyler, I should be able to heal my best friend here. After a couple seconds, she let out a cough and an unburned Warren looked up at me in gratitude before lifting a stirring Cariba into a cradle while trying to get her some help despite the boot on his leg that caused him to hobble. I wanted to help, but I had inherited Cariba's burned skin and smoke-filled lungs that caused me to dub over while gasping. Zaine's hand made it to my back in support without really knowing what to do before I recovered even though I wanted to tell him to help everyone but me.

I looked back towards our family so maybe he would get the hint that I didn't need him by my side in comparison to them, but I was seeing the last image of them before they disappeared in a black smoke. As I regained lung capacity and felt the itching healing of my skin, I looked up to see Cheshire leaving the group Indica had covered in order to hop up to the judge's podium to check on an unconscious Connally. By the time he was checking his pulse and moving him for CPR and the others were gathering our parents, I was recovered and approaching the judge's stand as well.

"I got this," Cheshire huffed as he did chest compressions. "Go help Zaine."

I was going to disagree with him, but stood frozen while watching him get to thirty compressions and then heard a small breath produced by the judge. I let go of a sigh of relief and looked over to the Agency's representation's area that Zaine and some of the twins' duplicates sifted through. I had low hopes of life assuming the bomb came from that side of the room and it was enough for me to tear my eyes away before I really had to deal with losing Tyler again.

Sentara appeared and disappeared near living victims as fast as she could and the twins' replicates were doing the rest of the heavy lifting. There was another quake of the building from above before Indica was sealing the falling concrete above the judge's podium with a force field.

"We gotta move," Cheshire said before we both wrapped our arms around the judge to pull him with us and then Indica dropped her hold on the destroyed infrastructure. We made it outside where crowds and crowds of bystanders looked in horror and you could already hear the sirens of the present and incoming emergency vehicles. When we got the judge into the first ambulance we saw and then had the intentions to run back inside to get as many others out as possible, but we were stopped by the firefighters.

"Let us through," Cheshire told the firefighter and I saw his purple eyes begin to swirl before the firefighter scoffed in his face and took a step forward. Warren joined us now and also took a step towards them but I grabbed his arm.

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