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"Of course that's who you're concerned with," Wib muttered with a roll of his eyes.

"Of course I'm concerned with him," I admitted out of anger that he said that as if it was all I cared about. It really wasn't. After talking to Connally at the hospital, his belief of Tyler's intentions led me to believe he wasn't just going to order the death penalty, but in Macintyre's absence, I knew the country would need a fall guy and that's what concerned me. "He's our friend, Wilbur. And he was in that bombing just like us—"

"Well he didn't have to live through trauma just like us or suffer through death and chaos just like us—"

"He's still the Tyler we grew up with," I raised my voice. I even stood up, and seeing the faces of everyone calmed me down. I looked directly at only my brother though. "I get that you're angry—we're all angry. Me more than you even know. But even though he led an attack on us and lied and did all those horrible things, he's still Tyler Lane and we grew up with him. I'm not going to sit here and act like he didn't mean anything to me." Wilbur as well as everyone else accepted that stance or at least just shut up. No one said anything and I didn't even want to look over at Cheshire so I crossed my arms and faced the people who had the answers. "So what is it? How's he doing?"

"He's still alive in the hospital," Carlisle began. "Originally before the trial even happened everyone was pulling for his punishment to be maximized and him to take the cure..."

"And what, he's innocent and you're committing the first mistake of the 'new' Agency by letting him literally walk free?" Andres asked.

"I believe Tyler meant what he said in his testimony," Connally expressed. "While he was guilty of orchestrating the Academy's attack, his intentions were as pure as day."

"Oh, come on!"

"He was just feeding you a bunch of bullsh—"

"He wasn't," was all Connally said without any more effort or unveiling of how exactly he knew the purity in Tyler's actions. "He made a negligent error that cost lives and tried making up for it after the fact. Even if he didn't have the benefit of the doubt, he still revealed vital information and—"

"Fine," Indica sighed, not wanting to accept it, but she rather move on than hear someone plead for Tyler's defense. "You think he was guilty but not Macintyre guilty, right?"

"The agents still got thirty years to life," Skye mumbled to Indica as if she needed a reminder.

Tyler was guiltier than the soldiers, but less guilty than Macintyre...

"Let me guess," Anthony said. "He gets the cure and serves community service?"

"Or the cure and an electric chair," Indica suggested.

"And the final answer is..." Cheshire prompted beneath his breath.

"It's another tricky situation," Carlisle said, causing groans to spread through the room.

"Based off the overall reception of his testimony, he isn't who the courts want," Connally announced. "Macintyre was. And then Jase."

"Well they're dead so—"

I finally threw a pillow at Wib so he would shut up and conceded with his harsh witch hunt. He only glared over at me.

"Due to Tyler's injuries and needed recovery, the doctors have said the cure would kill him if administered right now."

Half the room began clapping, especially Wib, Indica and Andres (plus spontaneous multiples of Andres). "I think this is the first time I'm genuinely 100% pro-cure, but—"

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