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"Hey, wake up," Chance's voice said. I reluctantly opened my eyes to see that I had fallen asleep on the stairs in Zaine's embrace. We had spent the night talking about anything that didn't involve the hearing and it was so refreshing that we had dozed off. I was more refreshed that Zaine was still no longer having nightmares. I got up and stretched my limbs while Zaine just began to stir.

"Get up. Agency guys on their way," Chance added before trotting down the stairs past us.

"Did he just say Agency guys?" Zaine grumbled in a groggy voice before I reached out my hands to pull him up.

"Really, guys? Six beds here and you chose the stairs to sleep on?" Cariba teased once we trotted down the stairs and into the den. I shot her a humorous look but otherwise didn't respond. Sumer sat on a couch besides Chance who sat on the arm. Wib sat on a couch beside Cariba. And Warren walked in and brushed shoulders with Tyler in the process. He carried two duffel bags and stacked them with other luggage near the mantel.

"What's going on?" I asked aside from the fact that we all knew what the main event for the day was.

"Sumer saw a few agents on their way over here," Chance informed. My eyes widened. They can't just arrest us!

"That's bullshit," Tyler commented.

"It makes sense," Chance hissed.

"We destroyed a building, there's a mutant society radicalizing against the Cure and humanity, we're harboring a literal war criminal and we're just too much for them to trust this close to the hearing," Sumer elaborated.

"Speaking of the Special Stalin and her boyfriend, where is Cheshire anyways?" Tyler sneered. It made me wonder too because Cheshire knew he was probably the second most important person in this case after Zaine. His powers were too strong for the courts to just overlook his absence. His friendship with me was too strong for me to overlook his absence too.

"We'll worry about him later," Zaine dismissed before we heard the front door open. Three nicely dressed agents walked in—two guys and a girl. They all had on black suits and dark shades.

"Men with us, ladies with her," the tall agent in the center ordered.

"No," Zaine simply said stepping in front of me.

"You want to do this the easy way or the hard way?" the other male agent sighed and shifted his stance to strategically reveal his weapon.

"He's bullet proof, she heals, she sees the future, he bends time, and he runs faster than a bullet," Warren said. "You think a gun scares us?"

"We're not here to scare you," the woman said.

"You're here to get us there in one piece," Sumer assured and stood up.

"If that's true then we'll ride with who we want as we want," Zaine said defiantly while grabbing my hand. "Feel free to escort or tail us if you don't trust us."

It was a simple thing to defy them for, but it made sense. The only time we had to spend with each other had to be cherished. After swaying a stern Zaine briefly, Sumer and Chance convinced him to at least compromise into riding with the agents. So Zaine and I went up to change into clothes we hadn't worn to sleep before complying. Zaine, Wib, and I rode with the smaller male agent. Sumer, Chance, and Tyler rode with the scarier male agent. And that left the female agent with Warren and Cariba.


When we got to the courthouse on Capitol Hill, it was swarming with the public. The clinics with the Cure were crowded, but this was something else. There were still people shouting on both sides of beliefs, but something else lurked in the air. However, now all the shouting was silenced once we stepped out of our truck. I looked back to Wib while the audience was in complete confusion about their muted state.

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