Her Diary- 55

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Dear diary,

Right now all I feel is anger and pain.

A while ago while we were having dinner at a restaurant DJ asked me if we could talk outside. At first I was hesitating to say 'yes' but in the end I ended up going with him outside.

I thought he was gonna say sorry, I thought that he was gonna believe me, but I was wrong. Instead he made me say sorry. He told me that all I have to do is admit that I lied and everything would go back to normal.

But I didn't say sorry, I didn't admit that I lied because I didn't!

I didn't bother talking or even looking at him for the rest of the night.

I'm hurt because he doesn't believe me, but I'm also angry of the things he made me do.

I feel like I don't know him anymore, he's not himself, he's not DJ.

- Kathryn

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