Untitled Part 23

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My world stopped I couldn't breath, he was gone. No one would ever love me like he did . I was to late.......

"Nah nah this can't be right, you gotta be at the wrong house right!!". "I'm sorry ma'am" the Sheriff said

Khelani was mortified at what she had heard, mostly shocked and hurt the one she loved was gone or at least she thought was hopefully a dream. I fell to the ground knowing that the one i actually had loved and cherished was gone. The thought of him being gone felt like i should have killed myself i should've been the one dead not him, all he wanted to do was protect me and he ended up getting himself killed because of my family issues." it had nothing to do with him at all." khelani said over and over to herself while on the floor just begging for another chance to see him that this wasn't real that maybe chresanto was killed and that jacob survived.

The Sheriff asked if she was okay and she sat on the floor bawling her eyes out not responding to the question at all. 'Ma'am I apologize for your loss again ma'am. And with that she stood up and finally faced the sheriff. "Thank you for telling me...." Ma'a....." she cut him off by closing the door on his face she just needed to go down to the hospital she wanted to know if what she had heard was true.

she went to the room putting some shoes on not really caring about her appearance she left the house in a hurry. Driving there just reflecting on things she wondered what would've happen if her life would've turned out differently, if she wouldn't have to take on so many things at once. But maybe this was good for her to grow as a person to be a better person to have a better life she had to grow up but she didn't think it would be this soon.

khelani started crying hard while driving taking her eyes off the road she swerved over onto the other lane. She quickly looked up and seen headlights and swerved back into her lane. She had to get herself together before she had gotten into an accident after the very emotional ride she had finally got to to the hospital.

Going to the front desk of the hospital. "Hello how may i help you" a lady with bright beautiful eyes and pale white skin smiled at khelani. "Hi" khelani said dryly back to her with such dullness in her eyes, "I had a friend who was killed well actually to people by the name of chresanto august and Jacob perez i wanted to know if i could identify the bodies?" she asked politely looking down at her feet. "Just take a seat over there and i'll have someone escort you to the lab

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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