"Silly mistakes"

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Shout out to @TruBlue31 thank you for your comments and votes

As you know thats Rachel played as brenia i think she was a good character for this role in my opinion

Brenia Pov

I woke up in a room with amazing decor I didn't really want to get out of this comfortable bed it was like laying on clouds. But I noticed that I wasn't at home I forgot that this n**** took me for what reason idk.

"Wake up b****" someone had yelled at me. ehhhh it was Chresanto what did he want why the hell did he even take me anyways? What did he want?

"Chresanto why the hell did you take me I wanna go back now! Take me home now and I'm serious or else I'm calling the damn cops." he didn't seem phased at all he wasn't scared and he damn sure knew I wasn't gonna call the cops on him. He knows me to well.

"You ain't gonna do s*** " he raised his voice at me. "Chresanto why the f*** did you take me!" I asked

"Well let's just say your fat a** friend khelani ratted me out" he said mono toned.

What did he mean rat him out what is he talking about? "what do you mean rat you out?"

"Well let's just say we have a past together and you are one of her best friends and I know she is going to try hard to find you to, sooooo I have one question?" he said with a sly smirk I was honestly scared I'm still confused on what he means by them having a past together.

"What the f*** is that" I asked as if I wasn't scared I didn't want him to read how deeply scared I was.

"Are you ready to play a game?" he asked. The f*** a game? what is this n**** talking about?

"Every day that she can't find you, you shall get a punishment for her silly mistakes, now give me your hand." he said calmly I was scared to but I knew if I didn't stuff would get real.

I was hesitant about it but I did it slowly. I have him my hand and he pulled me up he turned his back for a second and I knew right than and there I had to make my move I saw this fancy vase on the table.

Welp y'all know what happened I had to throw it I wasn't gonna give up that easily. I'm telling y'all when I say that I ran oh my gosh it was like I was running from my momma when I was getting ready to get a whooping.

I tried to find a door that lead outside but there was to many and I know if I don't find one soon he is going to get me. I tried every door I could until I finally found the right one I opened it and ran outside bare foot.

This house was practically in the woods but I didn't give up then either i kept running trying to find out were a road was or another house nearby. It felt like i was running forever I was getting tired but i wasn't going to give him that satisfaction at all.

I seen a creek and followed were it flowed so i could at least try and find my way out. I heard him call out my name " brenia come out you little twit, i just wanna talk, come on!". I had to stop for a little and hide i didn't want him to hear my foot steps rumbling through the leaves at all.

I found a little hole under a tree that looked like i could fit in it. Thank god I can fit in there. " Brenia if you don't come out now!" I obviously could tell he was getting more frustrated with me every second i hid. I was scared if he caught me.

As i sat there a little bit i thought of what he meant before i tried to escape, y'all I'm still lost about why he decided to kidnap me anyways and why does khelani have to be involved with this.

The foot steps finally subsided and i slowly stood up out of the tree stump i made a ran for it there was nothing holding me back now i was gone. I soon felt someone grab at my hair like a little tickle and I knew it was him.

"Brenia just give up!" he yelled behind me it seemed as if his voice echoed through the whole woods. F*** that i wasn't gonna give up this motherf***** was just gonna have to catch up.

I spoke way to soon I tripped over a big a** tree stomp ehhhh i really don't wanna be like those chicks off of the movies right now where they begging for mercy but I'm going to play it out just a little differently. " Chres please come on we've been friends forever please don't do this just let me go and i wont snitch come on I know you can trust me."

" He pulled a fully loaded pistol out of his back pocket . He unloaded all except one and spun it around. "Russian roulette it is than" he said. Oh hell no he was not about to do this.

"Now I'm going to give you seven try's and hopefully your luck doesn't run out sooner than that. " You know you wouldn't shoot me, you don't have the balls b***!" i yelled at him and spit in his face.

He whipped the spit off of his face and pointed the gun at my head. he had his hand on the trigger and pulled it i flinched at the sound of it. one down and six more to go. I couldn't let him fire it at me again knowing my fate was slight chance to none i had to give up.

"OK OK i give up!"

"I knew you would because a bullet between your eyes would just destroy your beauty" he said as he grabbed my face roughly.

" Now come with me he said aggressively" and i followed him. It took forever to get back to the house i couldn't believe i ran this far.

I watched my surroundings for next time when i try escaping all I have to do is be nice to this bastard maybe throw in a little sex just to get back on his good side and make him trust me so he wont get suspicious. At all and hopefully ill make my move. But this isnt as easy as it seems.

Hey you guys!!! Sorry for like the really late update i feel so bad. But Im going to update at the end o the week as well if everything goes well and for taking so long in my opinion to update. And for the shortness of the chapter

But @Mindless_Is_Me does covers for stories you guys so yall should slide in her inbox for an amazing cover photo for your story. Vote and comment on her books as well they are amazing

And what did you guys think of this chapter?

What do yall think will happen and dont forget to Vote and Comment Lotuses please and thank you!!!!!

Love yall bye my lotuses!!


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