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^ thats Ariyonna

or if you're on your laptop or tablet its on the side >

Shout out to @Mindless_Is_Me thanks for your support i really appreciate the comments it helps tons!!!

And I decided to update earlier than I planned😇


I walked downstairs pissed as hell and very upset. The thought of another guy putting his hands on my sister made me want to snap that bony mother***** in half. I went downstairs to get an ice pack and came back upstairs tending to Ariyonna's bruise.

"what happened between you two, I though he was a good guy like you said". I mocked her a little bit

"Khelani just stop! Why do you always have to do this to me!". "Do what to you? Speak the truth!"

"You know what Ariyonna, I'm done trying to help you because you obviously don't even listened to me or mom. But i will say this to you.... If your little ass decides to stay with James after I told you to leave that bum n****a, your on your own because I'm not about to do this with you I keep explaining myself over and over again that he is no good!

Damn-it Ariyonna no guy needs to be putting there hands on yo and if you think that is okay than stay with his ass. Do what you want.

I walked out of room in a swift past well as fast as i could go. I kept thinking was i to hard on her ,but that's my problem that I'm to sensitive I cant let her get away with things like that.

I'm living on my own and I need to grow the hell up, I'm a little immature sometimes for my age(19), but i can learn and grow from my mistakes.

It was now eight o'clock pm and I knew brenias party was tomorrow. " This is to much drama going on at once". I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower.

After washing up I put on some night shorts and a short sleeved t shirt. I thought about how brenia said she was worried about the party tomorrow, I hope nothing bad happens I'd die if Brenia or Y/N got hurt.

That reminds me I need to make sure i call Y/N in the morning because we haven't talked since three days. Yes that's a long time for me I'm used to talking to her everyday, and I'm close to her besides she saved my life remember.

I turn on the tv to get my mind off of things, I soon start to drift off into a slumber.

I wake up to hear a knock on the door " who the hell is it knocking on the door this late". i put on my fuzzy socks and walk downstairs slowly.

There was constant knocks on the door it was pissing me off so i sped up my pace a little, i get to the door.

"Who is it?". there was no answer i open the door and no one was there, "what the hell, am i hearing shit now". I turn around and there he was he was right in front of my face it was... It was Romelo Brenias father. He gave me a evil smirk, wasn't he supposed to be in prison how the hell did he get out early??

"You fat little b**** you thought you could protect Brenia didn't you?". "Romelo what are you doing here, aren't you suppose to be in jail?", "They let me out for good behavior".

I know damn well this n**** ain't get let out for no good behavior, in his terms his a** probably broke out, but why aren't cops looking for his a**.

First of all why the hell am i talking to myself i should be getting the hell away from this crazy a** person.

I tried running as fast as i could but i was tired and out of breath but still maintained to keep a steady pace. He eventually caught up to me but i threw a lamp at him, he dodged it. "dam nit"

I threw a high heel at his head this time i didn't miss i hid in a a little cubby that i fit in. " Come on you fat cunt, I just wanted to stop by and pay a little visit." I covered my mouth i was so scared i didn't even want him to hear my heavy breathing.

He walked passed me but came right back and stopped in front of where i was hiding i thought to myself "Oh shit he's gonna get me, he's gonna get me. " I know you're under there come out". The f*** I'm not coming out. " fine don't come out ill just come in ".

He snatched me up by my neck and choked me i noticed he got stronger and a lot buffer since the last time i seen him goddamn he still hasn't lost his looks.

He held my heavy body up in the air.

Okay note to self the next time a person comes after stop talking a bout how fine he is and try to save your life well that is if his n**** don't kill me. "Please Romelo you don't have to do this" i tried breathing but threw every word i let out i was getting short of breath.

I felt myself slowly slipping away into darkness. I tried fighting back with the little strength i had. I hit him but it obviously didn't hurt. I kept hitting and hitting and felt myself get weaker.

I blacked out.... I was dead seeing my lifeless body lay there right on the ground in front of me. I couldn't believe i was looking back at myself, I looked at romelo he obviously couldn't see me because i was a ghost or so i thought he couldn't see me. He looked at me.

Wait what the hell! How could he see me if i was a ghost, But some how he managed to see me. He looked at me in utterly disgusted and left out of the house quickly. I just stared at him while he walked out of the house.

I screamed out in frustration. I should have fought harder!!!

I woke up out of my sleep screaming that and i was sweating hard as hell. It was just a nightmare a bad nightmare I was afraid to go back to sleep that night but I had things to do the next morning so i knew i had to.

I went downstairs to cool off outside i just needed to get some fresh air. I walked down the stairs slowly and went to the kitchen and got a glass of water and headed outside but i put on my bunny slippers and and sat on the porch i just watched the stars. Everything seemed to be so beautiful and at peace i wish it could be like this everyday.

I sat there for thirty minutes just looking at the stars in a daze, I soon snapped myself out of that trance besides i was getting kind of tired.

I put the glass in the sink and headed upstairs exhausted. i reached the top step and went to Ariyonnas room to check on her to make sure she was still in her room.

This was the only time she looked peaceful and innocent sleeping I do feel bad for yelling at her but its tough love.

I went to my room and shut the door and went to the bathroom i had to go badly, once i finished my business i washed my hands and looked up at the mirror.

What the hell! Was this really a nightmare or was I dreaming.. I had hand prints around my neck they looked so fresh.

I was scared because knowing that someone broke into my house and hurt me or even tried killing me scares the hell out of me especially because it wasn't just somebody it most likely was romelo.

Its Brenias party tomorrow and she didn't need to hear about this at all she already thinks something bad is going to happen and she doesn't need this on her conscious.

I just went to bed and i hope everything goes well for her birthday. Im really traumatized by what just happened it scares me so much i dont wanna sleep. "I need my pills" I spoke softky to myself i kind of had a sleeping disorder when i was younger but its of and on every now and than.

But right now i needed them, I took the pill bottle out of the night stand went to the bathroom. I took the pills and i went to sleep with no problem all my worries left, my mind it was peaceful and quietness I was happy, no worries I was care free.

I swear these sleeping pills are the best I just hope I...I dont become addicted to them... Again

Do you think it was a nightmare or real?

Do you think he will come back?

Hey y'all thanks for the votes, I hope you guys liked the chapter... I appreciate you guys allot even if you're a ghost reader id like if you guys vote too.. no pressure but it just lets me know if I'm doing my job well and dont be shy. please and thanks

Bye my Lotuses!!!


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