"That night"

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^thats Perri

Perri pov

I seen the way khelani looks at Jacob, I can tell she's so in love with him.

I wouldn't blame her either have you seen Jacob he is the finest blaxican ever!!!

Jacob and I met last year at one of ....ummm what's her name uhhhh bre... Brenia I think that's her name.

Well anyways we met at her party khelani invited me and once I've seen him he was something on my agenda that I wanted to get with but I knew that khelani had a crush on him😒

I figured that I couldn't do that to her but one side of me wanted him the other side just said to leave him alone.

Wellllll I guess you can say I went against the angel on my shoulder. And kind of ummmm...... slept with Jacob that night.

I know it was wrong but it was the best night of my life.


It was a late night at the boutique and all I wanted to do was go home and get some rest

Khelani came up to me and asked "Do you wanna go to a party".

"Naw I kind of just wanna go home and sleep".

"Please" she asked again

"Okay fine I'll go, Where is it at"

"Yessssss it's 2719 sunshine lane" she said back

"Okay but I gotta change out I these clothes"

"Okay, ill see you there"

25 minutes later I arrive at the party and it was live

"Wow this Brenia chick knows a lot of people" I spoke to myself

I pulled up on a space to park and got I out

I was wearing a tight fitted dress to fit my delicate shape.

I walked in the party and saw a whole bunch of alcohol and people grinding on each other.

"Damn" I thought to myself

"Perri you finally here"khelani yelled over the loud music

"Yeah, this party is live, where is Brenia I got her a gift" I spoke loudly

" Here I'll just put it on the table for you" she took it from me

Even though khelani is you know kind of bigger she still knew how to dress and everything her style is very sexy and unique

"Thanks" I said back to her

I went over to one of the tables and got something strong to drink to relax, I didn't have to work tomorrow so might as well go for it

I started on my first drink than I was than on my fifth one

I started to get a little dizzy

I bumped into a tall figure that felt built

"Omg I'm sorry" I said

"Ummm are you okay?" he said back

"Yeah I'm fine just a little tipsy"

"No I think you're more than tipsy." He said. " nawww I'm I'm I'm just a lillllllllll bit tip(hiccup) tipsy"

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