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Roc royal gif ^

3:00 AM

Romelo pov

Last night was fun, I broke and to the bitches house and chocked her I wanted to do more than that but it's not worth it

She couldn't feel or hear a thing I saw her sleeping pills on the side of her.

" I love Brenia why couldn't she understand... I didn't mean to rape her its just that i was kind of sex craved". I love her...

I was waiting outside of Brenias house to see if she would come out. Today is her birthday so I know she has to.

Listen to be honest I just wanted to apologize to both of them. I broke into her house because I just a sudden urged to choke her for what she did to me.

Yeah I know I want khelani to be dead but it's not worth me going back and getting more time.

I already know I'm getting more time because I decided to escape but now it's in my hands to keep my identity a secret.

8:00 am...

I woke up as I heard someone close there door there house.

Brenia comes out the house and she is wearing a really beautiful sundress that made her skin glow. she really grew up since the last i saw her. She got into her car and started it up so I started mine up as well and folled her I know youre thinking that it may be creepy but its the only way I am able to get close to her.

I followed her to the coffee shop she usually goes to in the mornings. I've been out of prison for a few days now and I've picked up on we routine I know where she goes at what time.

She slows down so I slow down a little bit to, she pulls up into the coffee shop parking lot and parks her car.

I park as far as I can from her and watch as she gets out the car. I sit there for maybe 20 minutes as she finally gets ready to leave the coffee shop.

I drove off and decided to give it a rest for the day I still have to give her a birthday gift anyways, how am i gonna give my gift to her is a mystery.

Brenia pov

i put on my sundress and strappy sandals and headed out of the house i got in my car and drove to the coffee shop i can tell today is gonna be a good day the sun is out just for me.

I felt a presence like someone was following me but I shook it off besides "nothing can ruin my day". I pulled up to the coffee shop parking lot and got out. I ordered my usual and sat there for a little bit just tweeting and texting.

I soon left after 20 min, got in my car and drove off I went to go downtown to shop at some stores I got a bonus so I'm extra excited

I went to Charlette Rouse,Forever 21, Rue 21, American Eagle to get some maxi dresses, shorts and cute shirts. I seen someone familiar "Chres?" i said out loud while looking in there direction. "Nia?"

"Hey chres, what are you doing here? Especially in Charlette Rouse? " I looked at him questionably. "Just getting some clothes ya know just shopping". He said back ."So you're into wearin crop tops now?". I look at him weirdly

"No its just..... Huuuu okay i was trying to find a birthday gift for you at the last minute, and obviously it didn't work out". "Hehehe chres wow you suck at being secretive with gifts. Here just forget buying me something, lets just go to dinner and hang out for a little bit before we have to get ready for the party, Okay?"

"Okay we can do that, My treat." "Of course I'd really like that" I said cheerfully. "By the way you are glowing Nia. I've never seen you look like that before. I looked at him oddly. "No not that you weren't beautiful and glowing before its just that you.... you just look really beautiful"

"Hehehehe thank you chres". We head out of Charlotte Rouse and out of the mall. He decided he was gonna take me to Gold-moor. "Chres how are we even gonna get a table you have to make a reservations". I looked at him with a worried expression. " Don't worry i got this". he said back.

It seem like he was taking forever to get us a table, I knew we weren't gonna get a table I don't know why he just doesn't listen to me. I sighed in frustrations and put my head down. " Nia, come on". I looked up at him confused. "Wait where are we going?". " To the table crazy", " Wait how did you get us a table"

"I just use this sexy charm" he winked at me (the gif). "Ewww chres don't do that" I made a face like i was gonna puke. The waiter sat us by the window looking over the beautiful sun set view of New york.(A/N she lives in new York)

"Wow this is beautiful" I whispered softly. " Yeah it really is" he responded back. We just sat there taking in the scenery of it New York can be beautiful depending on how you see it. The waitress came to take our drink order I just got a glass of water I'm not that old enough to drink anyways. He ordered a glass of water also with lemon.

"So how does it feel to finally be 19". " Ehhhh it still feels the same nothing has really changed except my age" I said while looking down at my feet. " Ohh i see" he said

" Chres do you have something to say?" I said curious, hes like a brother to me and I really care for him. " Yeah Nia I'm fine" he said back and smiled.

"Hello mam are you ready to order?". "Oh yes we are, Id like the Bacon Wrapped Pork Medallions." she wrote it down on her pad. " And for you sir?". "Oh Id like the Lemon-Thyme Roasted Chicken" she jotted the rest of the order down, " Will that be all for you two adorable couple."..... We both got silent it was weird being called a couple so I had to make sure to correct her.

"Oh no no no we are just friends"

"Oh my apologies" and with that she walked away. But after she left we laughed it off and talked about how we were in high school and child hood memories.

Its crazy we went through so much together, And since chres is so sweet and a kind gentlemen to the ladies why doesn't he have a girlfriend? Oh well thats none of my business at all.

A few moment later our food came up it was delicious... But id rather not ever go to a uppity resturant like this im not use to it and i reall didnt want him to spend all his money on me.

We finished up and said goodbye to each other i thanked him for dinner and we exchanged hugs and drove off.

I finally arrived at home and took my shopping bags ut the back seat ,it was kind of dark there were no lights on and I was nervous about that I hope me being paranoid was actaully gonna effect me now.

I unlocked the door and felt around for the light switch. I found it and switched the lights on. Thank god nothing was there I sprinted upstairs because I gotta get ready for my party its gonnna be held at a venue his year. I see a big sparkly purple box on my bed that says


I opened it and it was this gorgeous dress with some pumps I guess this is what he wanted me to wear for my party. I see a little note in the bottom of the box that says "p.s khelani helped me pick out the dress for you she said that you may like it" i read aloud "Awwww, thats so cute" i cheered to myself. Welllllll I should get ready.

To be continued.......

Well that was kind of an awkward way to end the chapter and kind of boring but it'll get interesting next chapter this is kind of a filler.... But anyways Vote&Comment people it helps and feel free to share it if youd like

Bye Louteses


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