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Their class had an early dismissal. Luke and Haru walked to the club together while chatting gaily about their bald professor. Haru was once again called out to recite but couldn't answer because he was asleep the whole class. He was almost sent outside if it weren't for Luke's immediate rescue; "he's depressed since he didn't won the winter cup." Haru was about to knock his head but stopped when their professor suddenly exclaimed how proud he was to Haru, even if he didn't won he came home with a trophy; he was the runner up.

When they opened the door they saw Luis preparing tea for two. Haru's eyebrows raised up.

"Expecting someone?"

"Oh thank god you're here." She breathe. "Someone's already here." She whispered. "She said she'll wait for the old members, I didn't know what to do."

Luke took off his scarf. "Where's Sid?"

"Out. Dating." she looked at Luke who stopped moving almost immediately. He knocked one T-square and a mug of cold coffee.

"Shit. Sorry I'll fix it." He said without looking up.

"Juuuuuust joking. She went out to buy some materials." His head shot up. His eyes was glittering.


Haru smacked her head softly. "Don't toy with a grown man's feeling, see how shy he is? Tsk" He said smirking to Luke.

"Haruki?" A nostalgic voice asked. Haru's body froze. Emotions he suppressed suddenly rose in an alarming speed. He wanted to run, run away from her nostalgic voice, her sweet scent, and her memories that haunt him during silent times. He didn't look back but he spoke with a tensed voice.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's you isn't?" Her voice was shaking.

Luis looked at him with worry stretched across her face. Luke knew he had to intervene.

"Oi Lia! Long time no see! How about you seat first then we'll talk, We'll just prepare tea for you guys, Right Lu?"

"What? No I-"

"ha.ha.ha. You know the taboo word" He said playfully while pushing her back to the pantry room.

"What? Is it luke sucks?" Their voice was drowned by the sound of their footsteps.

"I'll ask again. What are you doing here." Luke asked, still not looking. He wasn't sure what to do when he sees her. If all those moments they shared will resurface from his buried feeling he had for her. Stop thinking. Stop. He closed his eyes. It's enough already.

"I came for you." You don't know how many times I wanted to hear that. He looked back at her.

She smiled. Her smile that time didn't change. She ran to him and hugged him tightly. She was warm like back then.

"I'm sorry, I just missed you so much." He freed his body from her grip. Stop feeling Haru, it's enough. He told himself, he's convincing himself. You don't need her anymore. Not this time.

"Lia-"He saw Luis' reflection on the window. She was behind him gasping loudly.

"I- uh, I was just about to bring you tea. I'm er sorry. I'll just put it here." She was about to grab the handle when it turned by itself. Sid entered the room.

She dropped the paper bag she held.

"GET OUT. BITCH." Everyone in the room was astonished. 

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