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A/N : please read it while you listen to Saturn by Sleeping at Last.

Haru looked behind him as if he heard someone called him. He was still waiting for Luis' call. He was determined to wait for her even if he sensed Lia was growing impatient.


"Nah. Have you checked in out things?" Lianna stared at him.

"Are you hoping that I did not?" He quickly looked up to her, startled by her words.


She sat beside him. She sipped the contents of the cup quietly while looking at nothing in particular. "It's not coffee, actually it's vodka."

He looked at her with puzzled face. "Oi. Don't overdo yourself. We have a long flight ahead of us."

"I need this sorry."

"Why?" He chuckled. He remembered Luis' secret stash of canned beers.

"Cause I'm about to let you go."

He looked at her with surprise etched around his face. "Wha-"

"Shh. Please don't talk. Don't make it hard for me." She inhaled deeply. "I came back thinking of ways to salvage you, and here I'am seeing firsthand you were already saved." She looked up in the ceiling, looking for words to catch, to say to the beautiful creature she'll let go.

"I..." still searching for the words, that can't be voiced out by her mouth. "I love you Haru, and you love me but I fear, in a different way now." She gripped his hands without looking at him. "There's nothing 'to save. We took our chances. It's time to take hers." She grabbed the handle of her bag. "And besides, I only brought one ticket. Wait for Luke I already called him." She kissed his cheeks. "Don't make the same mistake twice." Then she left.

He stared at her back. Then closed his eyes closed slowly. It already ended a long time ago, I was just too blind by the possibilities, overwhelmed by her presence to notice, It was gone, we were long gone.

"Where the bloody fuck she bought that vodka in a paper cup." He wondered. He needs it. He thought. He wanted to see her badly. He got up and ran towards the entrance where he saw Luke running too.


Luke gazed at him solemnly, with an expression of worry and panic etched across his face. "What is it?"

"It's Lu."

Muffled screaming woke her up. She opened her eyes and saw her hands reaching out for her painting. Unbearable pain seeped through her skin like thousand knives preventing her breath. Her eyes was dimming, blurred. Her head was aching, but she thought of one word, her lifeline; Haru.

Haru. Breathe.

Haru. Breathe.

Then darkness engulfed her vision. Tremendous pain took over her body.

Haru carried his bag in his hands as he ran towards the door of the emergency room. Everyone in the waiting room looked at him with worry. Siddartha looked like she just woke up and started running. Her usual air of sophistication vanished between her teary eyes. She looked tired. She quietly walked towards him. She hugged him tightly.

"She..." She whispered. "She saved a kid from a car crash but she...instead." He felt numb. His surroundings blurred. He can't feel Sid's hug, he walked while she was still clinging to him. It's as if he didn't notice Sid in front of him. He wanted to see her. See her flowing skirt, her curly hazel hair, the warm brown eyes that always had a look of understanding, the mouth the spewed contempt, praise, tease and love, her hands filled with callous because of continuous sketching. Her warm palms that always slapped his back whenever he was undecided whether it's about a meal or about what to feel.

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