Pathetic Human Beings

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A/N: Please read while listening to "Resolve"by Sleeping At Last.

Lia was too astonished to speak. When her thoughts have settled down, she chuckled at the lady's eccentricity. She maybe the very first person who dared to take Haruki away from her, even Siddartha kept reasonable distance to their relationship because of Luke's persistence. She found it quite amusing. She sipped her tea and watched the university grounds by the window.

Her hazel curls swayed briskly as they ran. It is when they reached the stoplight of the main street that they stopped running. They were both heaving. She brushed her hair on her face and looked back at him, He was still facing the floor.

"Where are we going?" He asked her while still catching his breath.

"To my secret place." Then she dragged him again.

When Luis finally stopped running and let his hand go. He was so tired that his legs gave up. He sat and felt the cold grass cushioning his body weight. He looked up and saw her flowing dress as she stood in front of him. She was smiling brightly at him.

"I'm sorry. I can't leave you alone in there all by yourself. I can't leave you with that face." She's too bright for my eyes. He thought. He covered his eyes with his arms. He laid down on the grass and let the shade of the tree and the old mansion cover his body. It was warm and comfortable.

"Don't lay there. The wild roses in the garden are more dazzling than these trees." He chuckled and followed her playful skipping. He watched her hop from one stone to the next. Her long skirt swaying back and forth to her knees and her long hair playing with the wind blows. He looked at his surroundings; Wild roses climb all the way to the mansion's wall with its torn protecting it from predators. Bushes at the side stood tall, and large trees covered most of the ground but speck of sunlight persistently shines through them. At the middle of the scenery was a pair of rusted garden chair with a deformed table that stood between them. To put it simply, it was a paradise for the eyes, a silent haven.

"You like it?" she walked slowly towards the table and sat on it. "I found this way back then, well of course I arranged the tables, it's quite messy and all but it's peaceful here isn't it? Just like our club room." She grinned at him and motioned him to sit on one of the chairs. He sat on one of the chair and looked up. The sun didn't hurt his eyes but for some reason his eyes stings with pain.

"I heard. Well, not everything, but I heard."

"Even you know now how pathetic I am." She inhaled audibly.

She held his face with her two hands and positioned it to look to her eyes. "Everyone is pathetic when they're in love, you and I are no exemption to this." She smiled sadly.

She tilted her head and closed her eyes while smiling a little. "You gave every bit of love you can give, every bit of emotions you can muster, you are no different from others. You are a magnificent creature because you know precisely how to love another being with your whole soul." She opened her eyes. "Please remember that Haruki." They both said his real name, but they had different voices. Hers wasn't sweet like Lia nor was it nostalgic, but it's enchanting. She is enchanting. It was full of something he can't put in to words.

"Senpai, I want you to breathe, then think, I drag you all the way here to let you breathe. I'll seat here beside you." She held his hand. "I will never leave you alone, do what you have to do to see what you have to do, for her and for yourself." He smiled at her.

"Thank you, Lu, Thank you." He said with his heart overflowing with gratitude.

Something AbstractOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora