The promise

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"Lu!" She heard Haru's voice as he jogged to catch up with her.

"Oh. Senpai! Why?"

"You're gonna attend right?" He asked her.

"What?" She stopped walking.

"My party? You didn't know?" he said with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, uh when?" she said sounding unsure.

"Tomorrow, evening at my place." He grinned. "I have pre ordered buttered chicken and steaks."

"Yeah, about that..." She sighed. "I can't sorry."


"But I'll call promise! I just need to finish something, I promise I'll call!" She finally said before running away from him.

He was left with a mind full of question.

"Hey Luke!" The blond haired president looked back at Haru. "Do you know what's Lu's doing tomorrow night." He said with his head slumped at the table.


"She's not going to my farewell party." He thought for a minute. "Maybe I should cancel it?"

"What?" He laughed at his friend's peculiarity.

"What's the point if my best friend is not there?"

Luke looked taken aback. "AM I NOT YOUR BESTFRIEND?!"

Haru stared at him with a passive face.

"Urgh. Maybe I should cancel it." He pressed his cheeks to the table again and let out a deep sigh.


"DON'T SHOUT AT THE CLUBROOM DAMN IT." Sid bellowed at them.

"Lu, just needed to fix something, but she said she'll call right? What's the matter?"

"Calls and attendance are two different things, If I could just call my professor and not attend his mindless maundering class, then I already did."

"Oh. Don't be such a drama queen." Sid said.

"Now, Now. If she's gonna call then it should be fine, she won't exchange you for something pathetic." He smiled at his friend who kept grunting.

"She already did." He mumbled bitterly.

"Don't fidget. She'll call you." Siddartha laughed.


Sid looked smugly at him. "Yeaaah, if you say so." She went away and mingled with other club members and their classmates.

Haru went to the balcony and gazed at his wide range of friends. He smiled to himself. I'm gonna miss this stupid lot. He thought as he finished his third beer. His phone rang.

"Hey, senpai! Sorry I called late." He smiled at hearing her voice.

"Yeah. What the heck are you doing anyway?" He said with a faked offended tone.

She snickered. "Your present."

He almost spit the juice at someone's face.

"My what?"

"Your present, I'm not gonna let you go without something from me."

"You didn't have to, kid." He said with a chuckle.

"Sorry, I'm such a nice person." She laughed. They were silent for a minute.

"You didn't ask me." He started.

"About what?"

"About who made the painting." He looked up the sky.

She was silent. "I know. I always knew who painted that."


"Shut up. Let me finish." She cleared her throat. "It was too obvious, that the person who did that was..." He waited.

"Don't cliff hanger me woman." A loud laugh erupted on the other line.

"Was a beautiful human being, who I love so much." They were silent again, but this time they both enjoyed their little serene moment. It felt comfortable and precious.

"I swear my eyes are sweating." Haru said which made them both laughed.

"I promise I'll meet you before you go. I'll meet you at the airport."

"Alright. I'm just want to let you know, there's no way I'm going without seeing you."

"Yeah, I'm not gonna let that happen too."



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