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A/N: This is it :) I had so much fun writing this stuff and I hope all of you had fun reading it. As usual tracks from Sleeping at Last should be played while reading this. "You're enough", "Heirloom" , and "The projectionist."  ENJOY.

She tipped toe to get a glimpse to the man she always looked up for all her ten years in this green earth. All she can see was his messy hair, His trademark. She crouched down to crawl towards him but alas too many legs hindered her. She pouted but didn't gave up. It's one in a lifetime that she can meet Haruki Gray, the most celebrated painter of their generation, well, theirs, not hers. She's a kid but she knew him from pictures, magazines and of course from his renowned masterpiece, unlike other people she discovered something that she wanted to confirm, but first she needed a plan to get his attention. Her tiny mischievous mind started working its magic. She grinned. She ran upstairs of the gallery to find the office. When she found the office she quickly gone to the bathroom to drip her eyes with water to make it looked like she cried, then rubbed it until it's irritated. Then she stopped at the front door and cried loudly.

First step of her master plan: To get the officers attention.

"Kid? What are you doing here?"

First step. Checked!

Second step: Look like an adorable, innocent child who's dumb enough to get lost in a gallery full of one way hallways.

"I- I" She sniffed. "I got lost. I CAN'T FIND MY DADDY." She half cried and half shouted.

"Oh." The fat officer chuckled. Maybe he found it cute, maybe he found it annoying, it doesn't matter her mission today is to meet her lifelong (She already anticipated it.) idol.

"Don't worry kid we'll call him." He smiled at her and patted her back. "Seat down first here, I'll get you hot chocolate."

"Please make it cold." She said.

He laughed. "Okiedokie little bossie." Well, if you're gonna make me something might as well something I like. She thought.

"Faster please" because the fake tears is ALREADY DRYING. She shouted in her thoughts.

"Here, kid, I made it with ice." He sat beside her with a pen and pad in his hands. "So tell me your name, so I can call him." Her heart pounded quickly as she was about to tell the biggest lie in her life.

"My Fathe- I mean daddy's name." She forgot her cute façade. "Is Haruki Gray."

The man looked dumbfounded. Haruki Gray, the acclaimed bachelor, whose air of mysteriousness sweep women of by their feet, have a daughter age of ten. She almost laughed at his face if she weren't feeling dizzy because of her lie. Think about food, I need to calm down. uh. Strawberry? Gross man why does it pops on my mind? I need to pee. Her thoughts were already scattered.

"Are you uh. Sure?" The officer asked her with uncertainty.

"Yes! Do you" She forced to sniffed again even if her nose was dryer than the Sahara desert itself. "Think I'd lie?!" Then she covered her eyes and matched it with crying sounds that she was sure sounded more like a dying donkey than a child crying.

"Okay kid, calm down."

"NO! NO! NO!" she tried to look like she's having a tantrum.

"Uh. McKinley! Get Mr. Gray here! Immediately!" She covered her face. I won.

After a moment or so they heard a knock on the door. The man at his mid-twenties stood with a very, she needed to emphasize it. VERY confused face.

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