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I woke up to the sound pans rattling and the smell of eggs and bacon, I admittedly jumped up.
Running to the kitchen I see Noah standing there cooking breakfast the way he does, with his hair all messy and his cheeks all puffy because he just woke up.
Baby you don't have to make breakfast, or at least I can help I smiled grabbing the pancake mix. Damn Carter ran in here as fast as she could, I heard Audrey's scratchy morning voice behind me. Guess what today is?
Guess, guess, I cheered as they both just looked at me like I was insane.
Well it's Halloween Audrey laughed
Yes but it's my favorite time
Of the year, fall. And my favorite day of the year, Halloween. Well let's enjoy it with a great Halloween breakfast, Audrey said rubbing her stomach.
I laughed, it's almost done.
After the food was ready we got are plates and sat done, Noah was way ahead of me, pulling out the pumpkin spice syrup out of the cabinet. after all of us sat there stuffing our faces, we got up and went to Audrey's for a while.


* Piper on radio *

Hey, guys. It's Piper Shaw, with a special Halloween podcast of Autopsy of a Crime. So, in looking for a connection between the Lakewood murders past and present, I had to wonder about Brandon's mask. Turns out, it disappeared from county evidence last year, but was never reported. If I were Sheriff Hudson, I'd be looking into the chief suspect's whereabouts around the time the mask went missing. But even then, what's Seth Branson's, or rather Seth Palmer's, connection to Brandon James? Why become the monster behind the mask?

Mr.B and Sheriff Hudson's Pov ~

Sheriff H. Walked in pulling up a chair in front of Seth, We found this knife in your classroom. Any idea how it got there? He asked holding up the bagged bloody Knife.
No. Well It had traces of Will Belmont's blood on it. It's not my knife Mr.B groaned slouching down in his chair.
Look, we know you're involved in the webcam spying. With the evidence we have and your assault on Brooke Maddox... Mr.B sighed, I wasn't trying to hurt Brooke. Because you cared about her, right? Sheriff H. Laughed sarcastically, Yeah, I... I got that. Just like you cared about Olivia Findlay when your name was Seth Palmer... And she was found murdered?!
Sheriff H. Shouted slamming his clipboard down in front of Mr.B , I think I'm gonna wait for my lawyer Mr.B smirked. Yeah, I thought you might.

Em and Brooke's Pov ~

I'm really glad that you're okay. You must've been terrified. I was, Brooke sobbed, I can't believe that Seth could do any of those things she sighed as a tear ran down her cheek.
Brooke, he's not who we thought he was, He is literally a different person.
But that doesn't make everything about him a lie Brooke sobbed wiping the tears of her face. I wouldn't be so sure, Why didn't you ever tell me? Em asked. Because I knew you would get all judgy. Brooke, I am not judging you, After everything that we've been through, I just want to make sure that you're actually seeing this clearly.
Are you? Cause after what happened to Will, it seems like you just need to hold someone accountable. I do. But this isn't about me, this is about all of us Em sighed, as she made a stop at the red light. Why do I feel so alone? Brooke, you're not. My mom's in rehab, my dad's in prison, my ex... Whatever he is, is being held for murder. And now I have to stay with Jake Brooke sobbed. You know, if Jake drives you crazy... You can always come and stay with me Em chuckled earning a laugh from
Brooke, I might actually hold you to that, okay okay let's get to class before we're late Em said turning into the schools parking lot.

* Sheriff Hudson's announcement *

Trick-or-treating ends at sundown. For everyone's safety, we ask no masks be worn. Also, this year's Halloween dance will serve as a fundraiser for the victims' families.

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