Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V 


Do you know that feeling, when your bestfriend is yelling in your face and repiting your name for like hundred times?! At in the morning? The truth is he scared me. I mean I opened my eyes and saw Louis face (I really didn't want to see Louis face as the first thing in the morning). He was "staring" at me and he had such a big smile on his face and big opened eyes. He was still saying my name, even though I was awake. In moments like this, I would love to punch him the face. He knows I don't like that someone wakes me up, especially not in this way. And God please help him to shut up, because I'm gonna do something to him. 

"Harry,Harry,Harry..."Louis screamed in my face. That's it. I'm pissed off. "WHATT?"I yelled at him. He wasn't scared of me,actually he was even more happy. 

"Hi"Louis said. He ran out of the room and he was screaming trough the whole house:"He's awake,he's awake!" Well he wasn't screaming, he was singing. Can I say it,one more time? In the morning!! How can he be so happy and not tired? He's allways full of energy. Well anyway, I wanted to run after him, but than I realized I was in my boxers. Well I feel comfortable. But today I was lazy. I looked on my watch, it was so I have some time to tell you a bit about me. 

So my name is Harry Styles. You probably know me from One Direction, but about that, later. The first thing I have to tell you is how I actually came in the band. The only reason is the "X-factor". I only have beautiful memories. I still remember, like it was yesterday-the day of the audition. I was so scared. I just wanted to go home and not sing. You probably know the feeling...I was asking myself:"Am I good enough?","What will the judges,say?" And when I had to go on the stage, I thought,God help me. But than I finnaly had the courage and I sang the first words:"Isn't she lovely?" For a while there was silence, but than the crowd started to whistling and screaming. So I wasn't that bad,I suppose?.:)

And than on 23.7.2010 at they put us together in a boy band. Do you know us? Me,Louis,Niall,Liam and Zayn. That was the best thing that happened to me. I would never replace them! Nobody can replace them! The best thing is, that we're all different. We learn new things from each other. Well let me tell you. Zayn-our bad-boy; Niall-our hungry boy; Liam-daddy directioner; and Louis-our sunshine. We're like brothers, but I don't know, I just think that me and Louis are more conected. Our fans call us Larry Stylinson. Isn't that cute?:)

But sometimes it just goes too far. I mean people think we're gay or they want it. But the point is, Louis has a girlfriend and it's affecting their relationship. But now things calmed down. And when I'm sad or something, Louis allways helps me, and when things are bad, he allways finds something good in it. He allways makes me smile. But I'm not the only one who needs help. For example, I gave him advices with girls. I mean, I'm the one who made Louis and Eleanor a couple;).So Liam has Danielle,Zayn Perrie and Louis has Eleanor. What's with Niall and me?'s Narry :).Yup I'm still waiting for the right girl,and a kiss in the rain.

.The best thing is, that we live in the same house! You know how it looks like when 5 boys are together in the same house.

So,about my family. I have a mom, her name is Anne. She's allways behind my back, she allways helps me. I could never have a better mom. And I have a sister, Gemma. She's just like my mom. Funny, friendly, beautiful and she allways helps me...Yeahh so my dad? Well my parents devorced when I was seven. This were hard times. I was crying a lot, but I calmed down. Now I have a step dad. He's pretty cool. Well, a very important member of our familiy is our cat Dusty. Gosh,I love this cat so much...

So my mom taught me everything I have to know. She taught me the most important thing"girls". She taught me I have to respect them and I really do. You probably don't believe me. Many people think I'm a man-whore. But mostly these are those people called directonators. And  it hurt...a lot. Because I'm young and I just want to have some fun doesn't mean I'm a bad person.I mean allright I like to sleep with girls and I have one night stands. And It's not all my fault. I mean girls want to sleep with me too. I just can't help myself. If I see a smoking hot girl I just can't control myself. If I would have a girlfriend I would never cheat or break her heart, but I'm not ready , for a relationship. I'm a player(for now)and this is me. Like me or hate me.

So my dream girl is: brown hair, brown eyes, nice smile, friendly, a bit of sexy body and of course she has to like kids(I live them,especially Lux). If I would have a daugter her name would be Darcy. Darcy Styles.! Sounds nice :). Well but I didn't saw a girl like that so..dreams!

Many people don't like my tattoos. Many directioners think, that is too much.Well..I have around 40 tattoos. I don't know why but I'm like "obsessed" with tattoos. For me my tattos are meaningful. Like the big butterfly-it means don't do that...well many people do selfharm, and they draw a butterfly so they can say: don't do that anymore. And I want to help my fans and other people to send them a message-don't do that. Well my favorite tattoo are the birds. It looks great. I think...Well it's my body and I can do whatever I want right?

I like to be famous and to sing (the best thing is when you sing to a special girl, and you can sing what you feel to her) :) Well sometimes it's hard. I don't have enough time for myself. I mean the album, tours and the fans-everywhere. So it's hard to visit my family or go on a date. But it's also great, to be famous. Girls like me but I don't know what they see on me?! So I can hear myself on the radio (it's a bit strange) and I can read about myself-imagines,fanfictions(sometimes they're a bit horny,but I like it:D). So something else? Well I Iove tacos and my Calvin Klein boxers. So I think this is all about me..:) 

Allright I quickly have to dress. But what? emm..I think I'll wear a plain white shirt and gray tight jeans. My hair? I'll just let them like they are-messy. So I'm ready for Starbucks. 

In Starbucks: 

"How long has it been since we were together in Starbucks?" Louis asked. "About 2 monts" Zayn answered his question."Well exactly 2 monts, 13 days and 7 hours" Liam said and smiled. "Dude,how the fuck do you know?" Niall asked and stared at him. "Well,something special happened. From that day I'm not scared of spoons anymore!" Liam said proudly. "Really,so I can do that?" Niall said,took the spoon and touched Liam's hand with it. "I'm okay" Liam smiled while looking at us..."I'm so happy for you,Liam" Zayn said while laughing at Liam..."Spoon...omg...I hate it..he wants that we think he's dead!" Liam said while screaming and almost crying..."Spoons can't move!" Niall laughed. 

"We're here, Liam. We're gonna save you from this spoon. We're together in this"Zayn said sarcastic. Liam started breathing in and out. "Is it better now?" Louis asked. "I thins so" he said..."Guys!!Look!Do you see the girl behind the desk?" I asked. 

"Yeah..and.." Louis answered..."Well I think she's working here" I said again.."Probably"Niall said.."She look's nice" he countined. 

Nice? She's smoking hot. Her eyes, her hair, smile,just wow..! I can't describe her with words. If you look her from behind or from the front you just see perfection. I had a lot of girls in my bed, but a girl like her, would be something new in my reports..."she's smoking hot" Zayn interuptet my thoughts..."Hey she's mine. I saw her first and anyway you have Perrie."I said a bit angry..."Wow,calm down..I even don't want her. I LOVE Perrie. But I can say she's hot" he said..."Yeahh she really looks nice, don't just sleep with her. Try something new" Louis said to calm down our conversation."You're my bestfriend and you really don't know me I laughed at Louis..."Lol.."Zayn said.."We all know what's gonna happened. She will melt in your words, than you will sleep with her, and than you will forget her. And she will cry for weeks." 

"You know me so good"I smirked at Zayn. "It's your decision, do what you want, but we just want whats the best for you" Niall said. "Yeah, it's MY decision" I said a bit angry.

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