Chapter 3

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Bella's P.O.V 

I was at work,with Josh and we were goofing around like allways when my boss yelled at me: "Bella,continue with your work, the coustumers are waiting!"."Yeahh,yeahh.."I said while roling with my eyes. See it's allways my foult. I'm the "bad" girl and what's with Josh? He's allways goofing around, but it's never his foult. Well I think tha boss likes him. And what the fuck did I done, that he doesn't like me?! He allways screams on me, sometimes it's hard to work here but I'm kind off allready used to this, so it doesn't matter. Josh is like a "good" guy everybody likes him, really everybody. 

I went to the table, 5 boys were sitting there. Smoking HOT boys..believe me!! One of them was so cute with his beautiful blue eyes which were shining like real diamonds. His brown hair...just wow...and he had a british accent. I think, that his name is Louis, I don't know...his friends called him like that.

So the next boy was Zayn or something. And ofcourse he was hot, with his big, chocolate brown eyes. With his perfect full lips and his hair (I even don't know from when I'm atractive to hair.) is black and a bit of blonde.He had a british acent too.No words.

The next boy was Liam.I could see only perfection. He was so hot with his short,brown hair..ohh fuck this shit. Everything on this guy was perfect.And ofcourse a british accent. But when you look him in eyes, you can see, that he's a guy full of love and feelings. He really has to be nice.

The next boys name was Niall. And he was very hungry I suposse, because he wanted 5 sendwiches with extra sausages and cheese. But this was one think out of thousands that maked him so special. If you could just see him. I mean his sexy blond hair and his adorable blue eyes, his laugh and Irish accent..just wow *-*.Sorry I'm acting like that, but you know..I don't see boys like these everyday. If you could just see them, you would be just like me-in shock. I'm asking myself if they are best friends,or brothers? Well if they would be jack-pot.

..The last boy was Harry. And from this 5 boys he was just the sexiest. I mean his curls, cheeky smile, big hands, dimples, green eyes...and I could talk about his perfection for hours-I mean from all of them. Ohh and he had a British accent too..

..The boys weren't just hot, they were friendly too. Louis,I think..he started to talk to me,and he was teeling me the boys names. "Hi,my name is Louis and these  are Zayn, Liam, Niall and Harry." There was a big smile on Louis face. The boys were smiling saying:"Hi" and winking exept Harry. He even didn't know what is happening around him. He was just like in a another world. He was watching my body and he didn't even looked me in the eyes or said "hi". When he was watching me, he was biting his lover lip. It was disgusting and I felt a bit awkward.

I didn't knew what to say, so I just started talking with the boys like I know them for years. "Hi,guys.What's up?" I asked friendly. "Not pretty much. We are just chiling. What's your name?" Louis said while smiling like a little baby."Bella" I answered. "Nice name" Zayn smirked at me. "Emm so are you guys often here?" I asked. "Every week, well it was 2 months now since we were here" Zayn said. "Are you new here, we never saw you before?" Niall asked."Well yeah, I work here for a month!" I noded. "Great, so we're gonna see you every week?!" Liam said excited. "Yeahh" I laughed.

"Emm, Liam do you need an extra spoon, I can't find yours?" I contined. "NO, no spoons" he said serious. "He's afraid of spoons" Louis whispered. "Good to know" I whispered back..."So Louis-cup of coffe,Zayn-a sandwich, Liam a sandwich, Niall-5 sandwiches with extra sausages and cheese..that's all."I said.. "No, Jesus I forgot..sorry what can I bring you..?" I asked a bit louder.

"What?" He asked confused."Emm, what can I bring you?" I asked again and now very slowly so he could understand me. It was the first time he looked me in the eyes. Obviously he was watching my boobs all the time. He smiled at me, with a smirk on his face. "Something that is not on the menu" "Sorry..?"I looked confused. "Obvisly I want you,I like you" he tried one more time..Like I thought,a tottal player. I just roled with my eyes and ignored his answer. I hope he saw me.

"So guys,I think that's all..ohh and you Harry I think that would be better if you choose something else from the MENU, because you won't get what you want" I said,and I was proud of myself. "Ohh,it was nice too meet you guys.Well some of you" I contined and looked at Harry. So I hope he saw that I don't like him. 

Harry's P.O.V 

Did any girl ever said "no" to my charm? "Great Harry, we just wanted to be her friends and now you ruined everything with your "charm"-which, as you saw didn't work"Louis said angry. "I didn't ruined anything" I said. "Of course you did. You were literally staring at her body. Why do you have to be so obseset with sex? I mean you even don't know her name (and by the way she told us)" Louis continued and he still sounded pissed off.

"I'm not obseset with sex! But the point is I don't need her name, I just need her body and I'll get it" I said a bit louder this time. "I'm not so sure..." Louis lauged at me. "Huh,you should be. You know I can get every girl on this planet" I said proudly. "Just not her" he said,while still lauhing. "Just tell me one reason why not?" I asked angry. "What if she has a boyfriend?" Louis asked. "She doesn't have a boyfriend and if she would have,I would..!" "You would what!?" Louis interupted me. "Kill him..or what?" he countinued, but now he sounded like he's gonna explode from all the laugh. "Harry,trust me, if you would do something to her boyfriend, she would hate you more than now" Louis said.

"Guys,stop it! Your fighting because of a girl?" Zayn asked seriously. "Don't ruin your friendship!" he continued. "I'm not ruining anything, I just told him that he's not a God. That he's not gonna have all girls on the world. Why can't he be down to eart? I mean he's not so perfect..!" Louis said. " listen, Louis.I'm gonna get her because I can get every girl. I'm not gonna stop until she's gonna be mine. And you know what? I'm gonna laugh in you wait in all your faces when she's gona sleep in my arms, next to me, in my bed. And you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna sleep with her and than she can fuck herself!" I said angry "No,you know what you are talking about..I know you're good and you can't just break her are just angry!" Louis interupted me..

"I'm gonna do this.But you are allready used to this, because you all think I'm a man-whore,right?!" I said and now my voice was shaking and if I could I would cry. "NO,stop...nobody of us thinks, you're a man-whore!! We just want the best for what you want but do you know that every single girl would hate you, because you just slept with her?!" Louis said, now a bit woried. "NO" I said..."Listen, Harry. If you want to sleep with her, do it.It's your decision. But I can tell will never happen..s.he doesn't like you..!"

Zayn interupted our conversation. "Allright..sorry Louis for being rude, I know you said some things which are true. But I'm not gonna stop and I won't  discus about that. I won't ruin our friendship because of this!" I said. "Do what you want" Louis answered a bit angry. But you know Louis, he's never angry..well even if he is he's not for a long time. 

Your P.O.V 

Gosh! Do you know how happy I am, that I met the boys. I mean if you look Zayn, Louis, Niall and Liam they are so friendly, funny and hot. But when you look at Harry he's like the oposite of them. Well I don't know if he's friendly but I know he's a player and I allready don't like him...Players like him,are just thinking of sex .But anyway... 

"Hi,beautiful" said a curly headed boy. "Don't cal me like that!" I said with a cold voice..."Well,I don't know your name" he smirked."And you will never know it" I lauged at him. "Than,I'm gonna call you beautiful" "What do you want" I asked. "I allready told you. I want you" he answered my question.

"Well,it's not gonna happen" I said. He grabed my hand tightly and it hurted. "Well, youre gonna be a challenge,I like it" he smirked. I pulled my hand from his tight grip. "She talks back, I like it" he whispered. "Now lisen very carefully, I will never like you, I will never have a one night stand with you. I don't want to see you again!" I said angry. "I have time, i will get you" he answered and winked. I was really pissed off now: "Are you seriously so fucing in love with yourself. Do you really think that you are some kind of sex god? I'm not a girl who would just sleep with a guy" "Aha, so do you have a boyfriend?" he just said in a calm voice. "None of your buissnis" I said. "Well I'll take it as a no" he smiled.

Oh no he didn't. I smiled and said: "Yes I have, his name is Josh" "Well, it makes things harder, see you tomorrow" he came closer to me and he wanted to give me a kiss on the cheek, but I was faster so I backed of. He just looked at the ground and whispered: "Good night beautiful"


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