Chapter 6

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Bella's P.O.V.

I was at work. Again. Well the only good thing is, that it's friday. Which means two days whithout Harry. And I'm 100% sure he's gonna come today and of course he's gonna' flirt with me. I hope he's not angry that I said "yes" to Ethan's question-just kiding. Really like I care, about Harry!? I mean if you could see Harrys face yesterday...omg! Well it's good that Ethan asked me out. I really like him. I allways did. You know...we're friends since we met and I was 6 years old. We allways played together and I had my first kiss with him. Nothing special, no "fireworks" nothing...just a normal kiss. Let me tell you a bit about it. So we were walking on a bridge and I was about 14 years old, he was 15. So we were walking, just like friends when we saw a couple kissing. And you know I'm a romantic tipe and I was like "Awww..they are so cute. I really want a first kiss, I want to know how it feels!" And in that moment I felt Ethans hand grabbing me from behind and he quickly presed his lips on mine. We were in that "position" for I don't know 30 seconds. Yeah and than, well we broked aparat and he whispered in my ear: "What it is like, your first kiss?" Well I'm not gonna talk about the rest. This is all you need to know. After this kiss we were more conected,we were allways together. And I was in love with him. But still he was never in love with me. Even if we were bff and even though we were allways together, he never asked me out or said he loves me...we were allways friends. Than he moved to Los Angeles. He went on a sport University. And I stayed alone in the rainy London. I can't discripe how I felt. It was like I had a hole in my heart. In one way it wasn't so hard. I mean for the first 2 months when he moved to Los Angeles we skyped  every day. But than he just stoped. I was writing to him, but he never wrote back. And well after a time, I stoped too. I know I was teeling this to Rose how it hurts me. Of course she knew that I was in love with him. And she promised me when she's gonna visit him that she's gonna ask him about me. I wanted to go with her but my mom didn't let me. She said that I'm nothing to him. If I would his girlfriend I could go. But I wasn't. I wasn't a friend to him anymore. And the day when Rose came back to London, well she was woried about Ethan. She was teeling me how much he changed. He was the troublemaker on the university, he stared to train boxing, he was involved in fights and he started drinking. Rose asked him about me. But he didn't answered. He was quiet. He didn't even wanted to talk to his family. But I still don't belive it. I mean he was so cute,friendly,funny...I don't know what could change him so much. But I can still say I never knew the truth. Oh and she said he has a girlfriend. And here again was another heartbreak. And now after 5 years I saw him again. And he was normal. Well he changed. He was more sexy, taler but I could still see the old Ethan on his face. And he was still friendly and cute. And the best thing is that he asked me out!!! That is amzayn. It feels great even though if I'm not in love with him. I just want to have some fun with him like in old times. The bad thing is that he's gonna stay in London for a year.

"Hi,Bella" Louis smiled at me. "Gosh you scared me." I said winking at him."Really, I was kind off watching you for 5 minuts. It looked like you were thinking about something...tell me!" He said joking while being impatient. "Oh that...Louis it's nothing special trust me.So what can I do for you?" I asked. "Well,you know we're friends and I thought if you would go out with me?" He asked a bit shy. "Me? Emm, I thought you have a girlfriend?" I asked confused. "Jesus, no...I'm so stupid...I meant if you would go out with US-the boys-a friends night. In the cinema?" He blushed a bit. "!" I said and looked on the ground. "Why not?" He said a bit louder. He had that baby face-which is gonna cry. I wanted to laugh..but no.."Because Harry's gonna be there and I really...!" I said seriously. "For God's sake, Bella!" He said and came closer to me. His face was serious like  mine. "Can you just ignore him, just for a day? I mean you wouldn't go out with your friends, because of Harry?" "I...don't know..I just..?!" I said while looking at the ground. "Please, Bella. For me!?" He interupted me. He was looking at me with his childish blue eyes. I was thining for a while. "Okay. A day is not gonna kill me,right?" I said. "That's the Bella I like!" He smirked at me and gave me a big boo-bear hug-that's how he call his hugs. He said that this hugs only get special people. For now he gave it to Eleanor, Harry and now me. Of course he gave a hug to his family and the boys but he said it was a normal hug..okay just forget it. I can't describe it. "Just a second, Louis. I will go, but I have a condition?" I said smiling at him. He looked at me confused."I kind off should have a date with a boy and well, would it be okay if he's gonna come with me?" I asked while shaking my head. "Of course love!" He said joking with his perfect British accent. I smiled at him. "So 7 pm?" "Can't wait."I smiled back at him.

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