Chapter 9

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**Harry's P.O.V**

The boys went out with their girlfriends, Niall went to Nandos and well, I stayed at home. Rose is still here and she didn't let me go out of the house.But I just have to get out of the house. I don't want to spend my free time with Rose. So I will go to Starbucks and maybe I'll see Bella. Maybe she changed her opinion about me in one month. "I'm going" I said to Rose and went to the door, but she stopped me when she grabbed my hand. "Where?" she asked suprised. "Starbucks" I said a bit quiet, because I knew Rose is going to scream at me about Bella. "Are you going to visit,Bella!"She said with a cold voice. Like I said. Welcome fight. I really don't like to fight, I'm not that kind of a person but for Bella... "No, I just want to go on a cup of coffee, or can't I?" I said angry. "I don't belive you!" "Then don't" I said back and rolled with my eyes. "You don't have my permission to go there!" She said angry and grabbed me tighter. "What!?" I said loudly and laughed at her. "I mean stay with me, we can watch The Notebook !" She tried more time. “Rose, I was watching The Notebook for 5 days in a row now and guess what, I did it with you, and I'd rather die than to be with you!" "No,Harry..!" She couldn't say anything anymore because I interruptet her "You're not my girlfriend!" I said and opened the door, but I stopped "I'm sorry Rose, for yelling at you. But look you're really beautiful but I'm just not interested in you, and If you don't want to be hurt, just go and find someone else. I know that someone wants you !" She didn’t said anything. I looked at her eyes for one more and went through the door. **In Strabuks** I stopped in the cafe and sat down on a free chair. I looked around to find her. There she was. Smiling at a woman and talking to her. She was beautiful like always. Hopefully she didn't saw me yet. I was thinking for a while. Should I go there and say hi? I think that 10 minutes past when I gathered all the courage to stand up. I slowly pushed the chair, and slowly started standing up, but than Ethan came in and I just lost all the courage I had and my body fell back on the chair. I don't know why but I have that feeling that something's going to happen’. He gave a cold look and slowly went to me. He was smiling. And I was kind of scared. Why does love make me so scared and so “without balls in my pants”? He came closer to my face, the smile disappeared and there was hate in his eyes "watch me" he said, and smiled again like nothing happened. He slowly went to Bella and gave her a big hug. They were both smiling. They look happy. But what could happened? Nothing that bad.

**Bella's P.O.V**

Ethan gave me a big hug and smiled at me. "Hi, baby!" he said and winked at me. "Hi, Ethan. What are you doing here? I thought you have practice?" I said surprised but I was still happy that he came. "Well, I just couldn't wait...I have a surprise!" He said mysteriously "Really?" "Do you want to hear it?" "Sure" I said excited. "Just a second!" he said and went in the middle of cafe. "Excuse me, everybody .I would like you to listen please" he said. Everything went quiet. Everybody was looking at Ethan "Come" he said and winked me. He came to me and took my hand. We went in the middle off the cafe. "Bella, we were friends since we were little. We always played together, and you had your first kiss with me. And now when I came back, I just don't want to wait anymore. You changed my life with just one look. You're just like my heart…I can't live without you. And I want that everybody knows that you are mine. I want to say, yes this is my girlfriend. I love you Bella. So the question is "Do you want to be my girlfriend, Bella?" Everybody were quiet. I couldn't breath. Everyone was staring at me and waiting for my answer. I looked around the whole cafe and there he was. Harry. He was surprised. I could see he was angry and he had red eyes. He was staring at me and waiting. He wasn't moving. Does he really feel something for me? Did he really change? Does he really want me, but not in bed? My whole body wanted to go to him and ask him that. "So Bella, do you want to be my girlfriend!?" Ethan asked one more time, he looked worried. I love Ethan why do I have that bad feeling now. "Yes I'd love to, Ethan!" I said. Everyone started whistling and clapping. Ethan raised me and grabbed my waist. "You make me so happy!" He whispered. Than his lips met mine. It was a good feeling but not as good like a few days ago. Maybe I'm just feeling that because I saw the real Harry. He putted me down, because some friends came to him to say how happy they are for him. I looked back at Harry. My eyes caught his for a second, but than I looked down and went on the toilet. I looked in the mirror. I just have to think about everything. I'm Ethan's girlfriend now, and...My thoughts interruptet a knock on the door. "Are you okay?!" Ethan came in and looked at me worried. "Yes I just have to fix my know the crying because I'm finally your girlfriend." I said and gave him a weak smile. "Oh baby!" he said and gave me a kiss on my lips. "Do you mind If I go with my friends on a drink, you know they are so happy for me!" he laughed. "Sure, have fun!" He quickly gave me a kiss on my cheek and disappeared through the door. I was on the toilet for about 15 minutes, so I knew that nobody can see me. I didn't heard nobody anymore, so I decided to go and just sleep. I'm so tired after all. I will clean everything tomorrow. I went in the dressing room-only for employees. I quickly changed in my clothes and took the keys. I turned off all the lights and went out. I was holding the keys in my hands when my phone vibrated. I got scared and the keys fell down on the floor. "Shit!" I looked on my phone and saw a massage from Ethan "Good night baby, see you tomorrow!" I put my phone is my pocket and I started to look after the keys. It was dark so it was a bit difficult. "Are you looking for this?" someone asked. "what..omg?!" I screamed. I realized who it was. "Are you totally out of your mind, Harry.?" I said angry. He was quiet. "Give me that damn keys!" I said and pulled out the keys from his hand. He was just standing there, I could see he’s face, so I slowly took my phone and focused on his face. He was crying-the tears were running down his cheek. I’ve never before saw a boy crying so much. His hands we're shaking. We were staring at each other for a while. Then the phone went dark. "I have to go!" I said and turned around. "Wait" he said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him "Why did you said yes?!" he asked, there was anger in his eyes. "I..I..." I could say anything. "Tell me if you really love him!" he asked and grabbed me even tighter and closer. I know how much it would hurt him if I’d say yes. "I don't want to talk about that!" He looked me in the eyes and grabbed my hand tighter, so it started to hurt. "Bella, just say this 3 fucking words!" I was looking at him. I won't say it. Now he was louder. " it so hard to say it?!" "Okay, Harry. I love him. Okay I always did. Do you have a problem with that?!" He let me go after I said "I love him" He looked at the ground and than back to me. "congratulations, you two are a really nice couple!" He said and disappered in the dark. And I was just standing there. Tears will come after a while.

**Harry's P.O.V**

Why does it hurts so much? Why am I angry? I want...gosh. I'm so angry. I can't control myself. I came in the apartment where Rose was waiting for me. "You came" she said smiling. I dindn't said anything. I pushed her to the wall and started kissing her angrily. I stared to unclip the bottoms of her shirt, so she was in her bra. I started to kiss her jaw and went all down do her neck. I left some love bites, which were made from the hurt and the anger. She moaned quietly. I raised her and carried her up the stairs. We went in the bedroom. I put her on the bed and started taking her jeans off. She was in her black bra and panties. I started kissing her breasts all down to her stomach. I went back to her ear and bit her. I whispered the things Ethan did before asking Bella…"watch me". She moaned at loud. "What happened to you?!" she asked joking. I didn't answered. I was too angry to say something. Now I took of my pants and than my boxers too. I was naked laying on her. I slowly moved to her back, with my hand and unclipped her bra. I threw it on the floor, like the other clothes. I softly and angrily kissed her breasts. She moaned loudly "Fuck, Harry!" I started kissing her stomach, sat down to her sweatpants and took them of. I looked at her one more time in her eyes. Than I slowly pushed my pain into her. The pain turned in a pure pleasure. I got faster and faster. "HARRRYYYY!!" Rose screamed. I slowly pushed one more time and slowly and then harder..."I can't anymore!" she said. I quickly pushed the last time and took the pain out of her. I lay down beside her, and covered us with the blanket. She feel asleep on my body, while I was staring in the ceiling. I slowly calmed down. I started breathing faster and stopped for a second. I looked at Rose laying next to me, naked. "No, what have I done?!" I said and realized what a mistake I've done.

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