Chapter 4

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**Harry's P.O.V**

I was in my bedroom, laying on the bed, when someone knocked on the door. "Hi,Harry" said a girl with big brown eyes and curly brown hair. It was her. "What are you doing here. I thought you hate me?" I said. She didn't answered my question. She came closer to my bed and smiled at me, with her sexy smile. She layed on the top of me. In that moment I felt her lips on mine. She was biting my lip and "asking" for enter in my mouth. I slowly opened my mouth and our tounges touched. For first slowy and than faster and more passionate.

I stared to touch her body, with my hands. Than we broked apart. For a second I looked in her eyes and started to breath faster. She looked at me and smiled. She slowly started taking off my shirt. She looked at my body, careful and whispered in my ear "I really like your body", In that moment, I was laying on her and whispering in her ear "It's my turn."

I slowly taked her shirt off and than her jeans. For a moment I looked at her perfect body. She was skiny-but not too much. Just the perfect body. I started kissing her lips, than I moved to her jaw and neck. I left some love bits, so she can remember that I'm the one who gave her that incredible feeling. She won't forget it so fast.

She moaned quietly "Say my name,Harry?!" she said. "I don't know your name" I laughed. "Do you want to know it?" She said,while bitting her lip."I'd love too" I said. "My name is..."Bee-peepp,Bee-peep...

Are you fucking kidding me!? It was just a dream. Hell no! I'm gonna drive myself crazy if I won't sleep with her. It's one day since I met her and I'm allready dreaming about having sex with her. I mean what's gonna happened in a week. I have to get her, quickly. She's like a drug to me. She's my special heroin.

So like I said to her I went to Starbucks to see her,again. Maybe I'm gonna have some more chances today, maybe she's gonna fall for me. So I bought some red roses and a card-I still don't know what I'm gonna write in it. Every single girl likes that a boy give her roses.

I looked around the Starbucks and I couldn't see her. Maybe she doesn't work here anymore or she's still at home. Well, I'm going to that guy which is standing there and listenig to his iPod. I'm sure he works here. Maybe he knows where's she. gosh it's so annoying because I don't know her name.

"Hi, sorry can I ask you something?" I asked the guy infront of me. He looked very nice. He had brown-blond hair and green eyes. And he was tall. Well I didn't get the answer, because he started to scream in my face.

" have to be kiding are Harry from One direction...omg I'm so happy to see you. How are the other guys!?" He was asking while totally staring at me and being histeric.

"Yeahh I am Harry. Well I'm gonna talk to you If you won't scream in my face or fangirling.!" I said joking. "Okay,I'm fine" he said, while slowly breathing. "So, I wanted to ask you about a girl." I started. "A girl?" He looked confused. "Yeahh you know big brown eyes, curly brown hair, nice body, she works here..!" I tried to do my best-well I don't know her name. I just hope he knows her name.  " think,Bella?

" "Well it looks like that.she has a really beautiful name!" I smirked. I'm so happy that I know her name. "Yes,she's beautiful too!" he interuptet my thinking about Bella, while winking at me. "Thank you so much, may I know your name?" I asked.

"Josh" he said while smiling at me.  "Josh?" I asked suprised. "So youre Bella's boyfriend?" I asked slowly. I mean I was asking a guy where I can find Bella and this guy was her BOYFRIEND. Well my thinking interupted Josh's laughing. He was laughing so hard, and he was crying. And I was standing like an idiot there and waiting for his answer.

"What are you talking about..omg..who told you that?!" he said while still laughing. "Well, Bella did!" I said now confused. "She was lying. I'm not her boyfriend,I'm her BESTFRIEND!". There was a moment of silence. I was just standing there and thinking why the fuck did she lyed to me!?. Than Josh broke the silence.

"Ohh before I forget, dude I'm gay". The only thing what I could say was:"ohh". So maybe she lyed because she thought, I'm gonna let her go in peace. And she was wrong,again. Now,I'm never gonna stop until I get her. "Well,where can I find her" I asked. "Sorry,she's not here yet. If you want, I can tell her you were here!?" He said. "'re right. I have to go in the studio. Can you just give her the roses and the card." I asked while smiling at him. "It's my plesure" he aswered. Well now the only thing what I have to do is write something on the card.

**Bella's P.O.V** (2 hours later)

"Josh" I screamed  trough the whole Starbucks. I ran to him and gave him a big hug. "Bells" he said while he gaved me a hug back. "Why are you so happy? What happened? Did you saw a hot guy?" I smirked at him. "We can say so.." He said. "And??!"  I said enthusiastically. "Harry Styles was here." He screamed in my face.

"What!!He was here?" I asked and now I was pissed off. What the fuck was he doing here. "Yesss..ohh and before I forget he left this for you." Josh gave me red rosses and the card. This are my favorite roses, how does he know that? I carefully opened the card.

It wrote " I hope you like the rosses,Bella. Ps:It's great to finally know your name. It's beautiful."

"Josh,how does he know my name" I asked angry. "Well I told him" he laughed in my face. " Josh!!! what else did you told him?" I screamed in his face. I'm so worried. I mean what else did Josh said to  Harry about me. "Let me thing about that..ohh yeahh I told him that you are my bestrfiend not my girlfriend. Why were you lying" He asked joking. "You are so fucking stupid" I said. "I have a feeling that I shouldn't told him that" he said while looking at me sad. "No. It's okay. But from now on, never talk to Harry again. Well you can,but not about me". "Okay" he smiled.

So the best thing is that he was allready here and that I didn't saw me. It's not gonna be such a terrible day like I thought. And I tooke the rosses and card and trew them in the trash. Sorry,Harry.

."Bella,clean everything and than lock the door" my boss yelled at me. Yeahh I hate those days when I have to stay In Starbucks and clean everything. Everyone can go home, except me. It's so scary when I go home at 11 pm-I have to walk alone on the street at night..

.Well I make the radio a bit louder and started cleaning the desk, when I felt big hands on my back grabing me from behind. I screamed "No let me go!" I turned and saw a curly headed boy. It was Harry. He put his hand on my mouth and whispered in my ear "shhhh,it's just me". "Let me go" I said. He didn't listened to me. He didn't let me go, he pressed me closer to him. I couldn't move. His grip was too hard.

"What are you doing here,it's closed" I said angrly. "I wanted to see you" he smirked at me. He was close to my jaw with his face. I could feel his curls tickling my neck. "You were already here" "But I didn't saw you!" he smiled. I roled with my eyes. "Did you like the rosses" he asked, while looking at my eyes.

"You really want to know? Than look at the trash" I said,while pointing at the corner.

The smile on his face dissapeared when he looked at the corner. I could see hurt on his face but than again smile. "Can I drive you,home" He tried one more time with his charm. "No thanks,I'm gonna walk home" I said with an cold voice. He was quiet. For a while we were looking each other in the eyes.

He camed closer to me and kissed my check. He slowly went to my jaw, still kissing it and than to my neck. For a while he was kising my neck and than he gave me a love bite. It hurt a bit. And when he moved back I still felt his bite. He "marked" me. " Now you're mine" he whispered in my ear. I started to breath faster. I didn't knewe what to say. "Good night,Bella" He said while smiriking at me.

Than he dissapeared trough the door. His last sounded so different..perfect?..No stop it. This is his game. He want's to make me feel weak. But I'm not gonna play his game. I hate him.

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