Chapter 5

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So guys,it's the new chapter! I really hope you're gonna like it and PLEASE tell me your opinion about it. :)xoxo 

Bela's P.O.V 

It's 7 am. I'm sitting in the kitchen and eating my favourite pancakes. Ohh and I'm talking to my mum. Well I have to be at Starbucks at 8 am. One hour left. That's the best thing. I mean today I woked up earlyer and I'm read to work. So I just decided to eat in peace and talk to my mom. So like I said I'm talking to my mom. She was asking about Josh, my work..but our conversation interupted the door bell. "I'm going" my mum said and went to open the door. I couldn't hear what was she talking. She came back really fast and now a bit counfused. What happened? "Bella, did you forget to tell me something?" she asked. "No,like what?" I asked normal. "That you have a boyfriend?" she said now happy. "I know I sometimes overreact with your boyfriends but I thought you can tell me eveything" she continued. "Calm down, mum. I don't have a boyfriend" I laughed at her. She looked at me like she knewe the truth and like I was lying. But I wasn't. "By the way who told you that? And who was at the door!" I just couldn't stop laughing. "You mean the guy who is standing outside and waiting for you?!" she said a bit calmed down. "He's waiting outside?!" I asked suprised. "Yes" she answered to me quickly. "Well it's probably Josh. How can you not remember him? And he's my bestfriend mum!" I said joking. "Of course I remember Josh, I'm not so old yet..but it's not Josh..I think that he said..yeahh..Harry! It's Barry!" she said smiling at me. I almost choked on my pancakes when I heard the name! "What!!!! Why didn't you said that I went to work and that I'm not at home, or I went to Rose..mum!!" I yelled. "Well I couldn't lie. He said he was waiting outside since about 6 am. He said he was waiting for you." She said and winked. "Mum,don't you think that this is a bit weird that he's waiting outside for me for 2 hours. I mean it could be a killer!" "Bella,don' could he. I mean he looks like a great guy and he's sexy!" My mum winked at me. "Sexy,nice...he's not like that on the inside!" I said a bit histeric. "Bella..I think you don't know him so good. I mean he was very polite and I mean he was waiting for you for 2 hours isn't that cute? And I think that he didn't lyed!" She said angry. He really want me to be with him. Well sorry never. "Mum I'm not gonna.."! "We're gonna talk about that later when you come go he's waiting Bella. And be nice!" She smirked a bit seriously. "Like I care" I said angry. "Have a nice day,sweety" She said and kissed me on the cheek. "I wont" I said quietly. I don't know why I deserve this. I had a beautiful morning until he came. Until he came in my fucking life. And destroy everthing. I hope he left or that my mum was joking. I opened the door slowly. "Hi,Bella" Harry said with an smirk on his face. "Why can't you leave me alone?" I yelled. "Nice to see you too, Bella!" He said, still smiling. I roled with my eyes. "Can I walk with you?" He asked. "Of course,not" I said with a cold voice. "Look I was waiting ouside for you for 2 hours, trust me it was cold and I'm not gonna leave now, when I finally saw you" He said a bit seriously but you could see a smile. I didn't say a thing. I just maked my way to Starbucks. "Do you want to know how I know your adress? He asked while winking at me. "Nope" I just wanted to end our short conversation. But he didn't stope..gosh."So gou have a little sister, Faith right?" He asked. We were still walking and now I stared to be confused. How does he know about my sister. "How do you know about,Faith?" Didn't you say that you don't care?" He smirked. He was joking. "Harry!" I yelled seriously. "'s easy if I like a girl than I do everthing to get some informations about her!" He said while winking at me. "And from who do you get those informations?" I asked confused. "Do you really think,I'm gonna tell you that..? Oh you have a very nice mum, Jennifer right?" "You know it's scary that you know everthing about me!" I said angry. "I don't know everthing, I mean I never saw your dad? Tell me something? Are they divorced?" He smiled at me. "No" I whispered. I could hear my voice shaking. I hate to talk about my dad. He was the onlyone who I could talk about my dad with. "He was really the best, he was a great man, he allways called me little cupcake, everybody loved him...until.." I said. I could feel a tear running down my cheek. Harry took my hand and stoped me. "Until?" He asked. I took a deep breath. "Until, he died!" He was standing there. Maybe he was waiting me to calm down. I had that feeling that he know how that feels like. I even don't know why am I teeling this to him-I hate him.! Harry touched my cheek with his hand. He whiped my tears away. "Please don't touch me!" I whispered. "I just want to help you" He said with an soft voics. I don't know him like that. The good side of him. "Don't.." I tried to say. 

Before I die(A Harry Styles Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt