Chapter 37: Fear & Excitement

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"So have you gotten any college acceptance letters yet?" I was currently in Yongguk's room and we were doing a two-player game of tap-tap on his iPad.

"Nope not yet. I only applied to 2 but I heard that they're coming in soon." Yongguk said with full focus on the game.

"You only applied to 2? I applied to like 10."

"Well yeah, that's because you're an overachiever."

I lifted my finger off of the game and my side immediately said "You Lose" while Yongguk's side said "Winner."

"Are we still going to be together when we leave for college?" I asked in a semi-serious tone.

Yongguk looked at me as if I said something ridiculous, "Why wouldn't we? Even if we're going to different colleges, we can still visit each other."

"Yeah you're right," I said while nodding my head.

He pulled me onto his lap and snaked his arms around my torso, "And of course, I wouldn't let you go that easily."

"Ha yeah sure. After all that work you went through to get me to be your girlfriend."

"Exactly." He said while planting a kiss on my cheek. "But it was worth it."


"Oh Jieun, finally you're here. I couldn't stand being alone with this guy for another second." Nayeon pulled down my arm so I that my butt landed on the chair.

"Oh come on you guys. A while back, you did so well in pretending to like each other. Is it really that hard to be like that in real life?" I took both Nayeon and Zelo's wrists and brought them together so that they were holding hands. They quickly pulled a part. Eh, it was worth a shot.

"Yeah. Even though she wasn't even my girlfriend she was a handful." Zelo commented.

When Youngjae and Daehyun arrived at the table, I whispered something to Nayeon and we got up and left the cafeteria.

"Hey Jieun, what's wrong?" Nayeon asked me as we were standing outside the cafeteria.

I pulled an envelope out of my backpack and showed it to Nayeon, "Yesterday this came in the mail. It's from UCLA."

Nayeon gaped at me and clapped her hands, "Did you get in?"

I shrugged, "I didn't open it yet. You and my parents are the only ones that know I applied here and I wanted you to be the first one to find out."

"Alright. Well it's the moment of truth." Nayeon said as I slowly ripped the envelope open. She stared while I took out the letter. My eyes skimmed the top line--the most important of the entire letter.

"I got in." I smiled at her.

Nayeon hugged me and we started jumping together. "Is this your official choice?"

"Well UCLA was always my first choice but I just told myself that if I didn't get accepted, I'm completely fine with staying in Korea. But now that I know I got in, I think it's official. one else knows about this. I don't even know how to tell Yongguk."

"I'm sure he'll be proud of you." Nayeon assured me.


It's been a week since I received my letter of acceptance from UCLA. Yongguk was coming over today so I decided to tell him about my decision. I was a little nervous because his reaction depends on the way I deliver my news.

"Hey Yongguk, I have something really important that I want you to know about..." I started off shyly.

He took his focus away from his cellphone and looked at me, "Is it good or bad?"

"It's good! depends I guess. I'm really excited but I- I don't know how you'll react..."

"Now you're scaring me."

I blew out a breath of air and bit my lip, "I've decided to go to UCLA in the fall."

"UCLA." Yongguk repeated. "In America."

I was ready for him to get mad at me for not saying anything sooner and trying to convince me to stay in Korea.

Yongguk saw the worry in my eyes and he shook me by the shoulders, "Hey, why aren't you more excited? Isn't that the place you've been wanting to go to since forever?"

"W-wait. You're happy for me?" I stuttered, not completely positive if Yongguk was excited or the exact opposite.

"I know going there is one of your dreams and not to mention you're pretty fucking smart." Yongguk stated which made me break into a smile.

I was so relieved. I couldn't describe how happy it made me feel that Yongguk was so supportive. Well I guess I can always count on him for surprising me. "Next week, I'm going to LA for a new student orientation. Do you want to come with me?"

"I'll go anywhere with you."

A/N* the next chapter will be the official final chapter of this book! But please read the author's note at the end of Chapter 38 for a special chapter announcement.

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