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Steven silently stood on the porch of his house, overlooking the ocean as the sun was going down, making the water glisten. He was covered in bruises, cuts, and continuous scrapes, along with a bandage wrapped around his right arm, the injuries were caused from the last dangerous mission he and the gems had gone on. He sighed sadly and looked back through the window, lying on a blanket was Pearl's gem. He turned back around and continued watching the sunset. "I couldn't do it..." He whispered to himself. "I can't do what you did..." He whispered to himself, looking at his hand. A few tears slipped out of his eyes as he closed them. "I couldn't protect them like you could, i couldn't even draw out my shield." He said to himself, clenching his fist as more tears came out of his eyes. He took a deep breath before looking up again, out over the ocean. He sat there silently watching the sun go down, until the sky was dark. The wind started to blow, and it got more vicious by the moment until it was raining. Steven heard the warp pad activate, then a familiar voice called out to him as the screen door opened."Yo Steven! It's getting pretty stormy out there!" Amethyst said, walking up to him. "Yea," Steven whispered quietly. Amethyst noticed his tone "Hey, did that mission get you down in the dumps? Dont worry kiddo, Remember our bodies just regenerate." Amethyst said, nudging him. "I know, i-it's just, i could have," Steven said as a few more tears came out of eyes. "I could have protected you guys, you got poofed to, Garnet had to save me, I couldn't even draw out my shield. I couldn't even bubble us!" He said, tears streaming out of his eyes. Amethyst paused for a moment, trying to think of what to say. "My gem just, stopped working! I can't heal, bubble, or draw out my shield! Im back right where i started!" He said, flipping his hood over his forehead, trying to hide his face. "Hey, Steven, its okay, its not that bad, we will just have to try and, get it working again!" Amythest encouraged, putting an arm on his shoulder. "Steven paused for a momment, before hugging Amythest. "I-i just want to protect you guys... what if she crushed your gems? I-i," He said before Amythest hugged him back. "I know. It was probably really scary for you. She almost got Pearl's gem, but you risked alot to go and grab it, you fought her for it. Dont worry, Peridot isnt a match for all four of us. Im sure its fine." She said, smiling. Steven wiped away his tears. "Thanks Amythest. I, needed that..." He said, yawning. "Now come on kiddo, you look tired. Lets get to bed!" Amythest said, putting Steven on her shoulders and running into the house, the both of them giggling.

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