A Night To Remember

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Steven sighed as he added more wood to the fire. Connie leaned next to him, they both wearing one of Greg's sweaters together for warmth. "I-its so cold..." Steven shivered through his clenched teeth. "I-its okay... its just the wind..." Connie said as she got into Steven's backpack. "You hungry?" She asked, digging though the backpack. "y-yea. what we got in there..?" Steven asked, burying his face into the sweater. "One bagel sandwich, and one bottle of water is all we have left..." She said in a depressed tone. Steven sighed. "Great, better make the most out of it." He said as Connie split the bagel in two, handing one half to Steven. "Yea, maybe we should have stopped on the city and went to a store or something..." She said, taking a large bite out of the bagel. "No use even if we did. we dont have any money left..." Steven sighed. "Hey, its okay. We can make this work." Connie said, putting her hand on Steven's shoulder. Steven stared into Connie's eyes for a momment before he whispered, "Do... do you think its to late to go back..?" He said. Connie frowned and hugged him tightly. "We're One and a Half state away from Beach City, Steven, it is to late. But hey, its been fun right?" She whispered softly in his ear. "Yea. And i couldn't imagine it any better..." He whispered back, squeezing her tightly to his body. "Do you think they are looking for us..? Steven said, feeling more homesick than ever. "Of course. but they wont find us. DOnt worry, were safe. Now commom, lets enjoy this glamourous night together..." She said as a bit of blush formed on her face. "Oh, come here you.." Steven said, pulling Connie tightly next to him. She giggled slightly and lied down next to him, her head on his chest, Wrapping the sweater tightly around the both of them. Steven put his arms around Connie and they both were blushing deeply as they watched the stars in the sky. Steven looked into Connie's eyes, the stars glowing back making her seem so much more beautiful. Steven's eyes formed two stars as he stared at her face for a few more momments before looking back into the sky. Connie yawned softly and nuzzed next to him, lying down on him as Steven saw her eyes fill with drowyness, Then slowly start to close. Steven smiled and blushed deeply as he felt Connie's muscles relax onto him, her breathing got softer as it created a warm mist in the evening air. Steven felt drowsyness clawing at his eyes as he struggled to stay awake. Eventually it overcame him, as he soothingly fell asleep as he felt Connie's slow heartbeat against his.

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