An Everlasting Love

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Steven and Connie unfused as Steven collapsed onto the ground, clutching his chest and crying in pain. "STEVEN?!?" Everyone shouted in shock as Lion lied down and Connie helped Steven lean onto him. "Steven?!? STEVEN WHATS WRONG?!?" Connie cried in fear as all the gems gathered around him. Steven opened one eye slowly to see Connie's face, her right eye was missing and blood was pouring out onto her eye. "G-guys..." Steven said, his voice full of agony. "oh no.... STEVEN NO!" Pearl yelled as tears streamed out of her eyes after observing his gem. "STEVEN PLEASE NO!" Connie cried as Steven pulled her closer. "STEVEN YOU CANT DIE! I LOVE YOU!" Connie cried as Steven slightly smiled, brushing his hand over her face. "Oh Steven..." Ameythest said as she tried to hide her face from the tears that were pouring out of her eyes. "I-i..." Steven said weakly as he stared into Connie's eye as his started to close. "I love you too..." He managed to say as he brought his mouth up to hers, kissing her before letting out one last breath before his eyes closed. Slowly releasing her mouth from his, tears streamed down Connie's face as she brushed his cheek slightly before she couldn't help but start bawling on his chest as the gems also were crying as they all were hugging each other tightly as Connie cried over Steven's ever so calm and peaceful body.

The End.

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