Sneaking Away

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Steven entered the temple, the room empty. He took a deep breath and went up to his room to grab his Cheeseburger Backpack. He ran back down into the kitchen and started to pick foods out and fill his bag with them while mumbling himself the names of the foods. "That should be enough..." He said, zipping up one of the pockets and opening a different one before running back up into his room. He started packing it with supplies he thought they would need, just then he heard the temple door open. he quickly shoved thee backpack under his bed in startelement, creating a lot of clutter and noise. He looked down into the living room where he say pearl and amethyst walk in, amethyst whispering something to pearl before pearl looked up at Steven's room, steven quickly darting over to the window. "Steven? You up there?" He heard Pearl's voice call out. he took a deep breath and put on a fake smile. "Pearl? Is that you? Your regened already?" he called out, acting surprised as the two gems walked up the stairs."Yep! I tried to finish it up early this time..." She said, slightly smiling as silence filled the air. "Soo steven... don't you have something to tell us?" amethyst said, staring at Steven. he gulped. Did they know what him and connie were doing? But that wouldn't be possible... "W-what?" seven stuttered, acting innocent. "We saw you trying to mess with your gem outside, any luck?" Pearl clarified. Steven took a relieving breath. "No, but i did accidentally bubble me and connie..." he said, the sad tone coming back to his voice."Thats great!" amethyst said enthusiastically. Steven rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. The gems fell silent over this. "Not its not. i can control it. Im no crystal gem and i know you guys..." he said as he stopped, a few tears coming out of his eyes. "Wh- Steven... you're always gonna be a crystal gem, don't go kidding yourself." pearl said as she took a seat next to him. "Yea, even if you have to-" Amethest started but pearl made the 'silence' motion with her hand. "Um, yea. no matter what happens with your gem, we will be here." Ameythest said encouragingly as she sat down on the other side of him. Steven sniffled, starting to regret the whole 'running away' idea, but then remembered that what they had said about him behind his back, which made his flame grow bigger. "Thanks guys... im sorry, for what happened back there... we let peridot get away, again." Steven confessed. "Its alright steven." Amethest said. "Your safty is more important than peridot."She said as botht the gems hugged steven. "Now, you better get off to bed. we're gonna work more on that gem tomorrow." Pearl said smiling as the two gems walked back downstairs. "Now we got some, 'errends' to run." Amethest said jokingly as pearl rolled her eyes and walked out the door, followed by ameythest. Steven took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay, i'll wont be gone forever..." he mumbled to himself, thinking about the journey ahaead. he looked over at the clock, seeing that it was almost time to go and meet Connie. He continued packing up his backpack and walked out towards the door. "Goodbye temple..." He whispered under his breath before making his way down onto the beach.

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