The Newz

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"Yep, and thats pretty much everything that happened..." Steven said, glancing over at Connie, who was walking next to him. "Wow, that was alot to take in, are, you okay? You got pretty beat up from that it sounds like..." Connie said, concern in her voice as they neared the Donut Shop. "Yea, im fine. Just a few cuts and scrapes." He said, reassuing Connie that he felt okay. "What about your arm?" She said, pointing to the bandage. "Oh, yea, that was because i couldnt summon my sheild... Garnet helped me put it on..." He said, fiddling with it. "Still a bit lose though..." He said as Connie opened the door and they both walked in. "Well i could help you with that later." She said, smiling. Sadie looked up from the money she was counting as the bell rang for the door opening. "Hi guys," She said, looking in Steven's direction. "What happened to you?" She said as Steven slightly smiled. "Just some battle scars." He said. "Ahh i see, was this one as dangerous as getting hit by a rock?" Saide said, teasing him. "Yea! I almost died! Peridot found us while we were out on a mission, and she had a bunch of these weird gem lazer things! W-we barely made it out alive...." Steven said as his voice got lower, and ended up in a whisper. Sadie sat there, stunned. "But everythings fine now! Right?" Connie said, smiling nervously. Steven shrugged. "Well then... what do you guys want today," Saide said, shaking off her shock. "Two donuts please." Connie said. Lars came out from the back room, headphones on. "Hey Saide, were out of...." He said, then glanced at Steven. "Uh, Napkins. Back there..." Lars said, looking back at Saide. "Just open another box of them." Sadie said, getting out two donuts. "Okay...." He said, slowly walking back into the room, glancing at Steven before he shut the door. Laughter could be heard coming from the backroom after the door was shut. Saide rolled her eyes and handed them the back. "Im sorry bout that Steven, Lars, can be like that." She said. "Its okay." He said, slightly smiling. Connie and Steven walked out of the shop and sat down at one of the tables outside. "So, how come you couldn't summon your shield?" Connie asked as Steven opened the bag of donuts, handing Connie one. "I, don't exactly know... but... my gem wont even work anymore..." He said, taking a bite of the donut. "Really?" Connie said, surprised. "Yea... I, i don't think i can be a crystal gem." Steven said, staring at the donut in his hands. "Thats nonsense Steven. You will always be a crystal gem, even if your powers don't work." Connie reassured. Steven smiled, finishing his donut. "Your right," Steven said, standing up. "Im sure your gem is just having a reaction to your body or something, there's nothing to worry about, it will probably work again soon." Connie pressed. Steven nodded. Suddenly, his gem started to glow through his shirt. "Whoa!" Steven said excitedly, lifting up his shirt. One of steven's bubbles formed around him and Connie, breaking the table, as the gem glow faded. "Gah! Steven! Why did you do that?" Connie asked, glancing at the table. "I-i didnt! I didnt even feel it!' Steven stuttered, pushing on the bubble. "It won't pop..." He said, pushing harder. "Hmm, well, what popped it last time...." Connie said, looking around. "It burst under the ocean..." Steven said, kicking the bubble. "Yea... i dont wanna do that again..." She said, glancing at Steven. "Yea, um.... i'll just try to pop it..." He said, focusing on the edge of the bubble. He stared directly at it silently, squinting his eyes. Connie stared at the spot he was watching for about 5 minuets. "I, dont think its working." She said to him. Steven sighed and started to roll the bubble in the direction of the temple. "Common, its best we get out of here, i think Sadie and Lars are gonna notice..." He said as Connie helped roll the bubble. "Yea.... when did you get so aware of things? You seem a lot more serious than usual..." Connie said, a bit of concern in her voice. "I..." Steven said as his eyes widened a bit, relizing that he was indeed not acting like himself. "I dont know... its just been really hard i guess, im just, not in the cheerful mood im usualy in..." He said, more to himself than Connie. She paused for a moment. They arrived on the beach, but the hill being to steep to roll it up. Steven sighed and leaned against the side of the bubble. Connie kept quiet for a while, until eventually she broke the silence. "So, hows your training going? You know, for you, shield and stuff..." Connie said. Steven hesitated a bit before answering the question. "I've got better, but i kinda failed the last practice," He said, looking down at his gem. "your gem..?" Connie asked. "No, i missed a important key, and i got hit." He said, poking his gem. "Oh..." Connie said. Steven sighed heavily. "I guess it doesnt matter anyway, Im not gonna be able to protect anything." He said sadly, leaning back onto the bubble. Just then, it popped, and he fell into the sand. "Hey! You did it!" Connie said, helping him up. ".... I did?" He said, looking around, seeing they weren't in a bubble anymore. "yea! I think your regaining control of your gem!" Connie said excitedly. "Y-Yea! Im gonna go tell the gems!" Steven said excitedly. Connie giggled. "Alright, i'll wait out here." She said smiling. Steven chuckled and darted up the steps to the house. His hand reached for the screen door when he heard voices. He quietly peeked his head through the door, and saw Garnet, Ameythest and a newly formed pearl sitting on the couch, not noticing Steven. 'Pearls back already?' He thought excitedly, then she spoke. "But we cant take him on missions anymore. Its way too dangerous. Hes better off staying here until his gem, well, works again." She said. "Yea... I have to agree..." Ameythest said. "We cant just throw him off of missions. He wasnt feeling very good yesterday because his gem stopped working. He was thrown off again, and in fear of saving your gem, Pearl, he didnt belive that he could, which was possibly the reason why his gem stopped working." Garnet siad. It was no dout they were talking about Steven. "Maybe, since he's more human than gem, when he gets older, his gem might stop working?" Ameythest said as the room went quiet. "Nonsense Ameythest. It wasnt working when he was littler. It would start working as he got older, and then wouldnt stopped. Im going with wat Garnet said." Pearl enthrusted. Ameythest shrugged. "Okay, but telling him this is gonna break his heart..." Ameythest said, looking down sadly. "Its for his own good, Ameythest. We want to keep him safe. There's many ways he could die out on missions without having any way to protect himself. Even if his gem wont work for a year, we have to keep him safe." Pearl said. "Rose never had any problems with her gem..." Ameythest mumbled under her breath. The room went silent as Garnet and Pearl stared at Ameythest. Garnet nodded. "But Rose is only part of him... and he is more Steven than Rose..." Garnet said. "Why did she have to fall in love with Greg....? Why did she have to leave us with... him..." Pearl said, a bit frustrated. Tears slowly started to stream down Steven's face as he watched the gems. "But Steven is Steven. ANd we cant change that." Garnet said. Steven quickly removed his head from the screen door nd leaned on the wall, more tears coming out of his eyes. 'They never wanted me here... and there just gonna keep me in the temple for the rest of my life..' Steven thought as more tears made there way onto his shirt. "Fine... if they dont want me here... I'll just go." He mumbled to himself through his tears. He walked back down to the beach where Connie was sitting, watching ocean waves as they splashed on the beach. She spotted Steven running over to her, and got up and walked towards him. "Hey Steven! How'd it...." She said, looking at Steven's face as it glistned with tears. "W-what happned?" She asked concerned. "I didnt tell them... i heard what they were saying about me..." Steven said as he sat down in the sand. Connie sat down next to him. "What were they saying..?" Connie questioned curiously. "They are gonna ban me from going on missions... they dont belive i will ever get my gem working... and then they were talking about mom... they were saying how they wish she was here instead of me..." He said as more tears poured down his face as Connie put a arm around his shoulder. "They didnt actually say that... did they?" She asked, trying to be as comforting as possible. "No, but thats what it felt like..." He said sadly. They both fell silent, the only thing hey could hear was the soft roar of the blue waves crashing onto the sandy beach. "I think i should just leave..." Steven mumbled under his breath after a while. "what? You cant just leave! What about the gems... what bout me..." Connie said, startled at these new thoughts that had suddenly came to cheerful little Steven's mind. "The gems dont want me here anyway..." He said looking at the temple, then looking back at Connie. She had a frightened look on her face that made Steven feel unhappy. "Connie..." He whispered. Connie fell silent. Steven thought for a momment. "Come with me." He said, looking back up into her eyes. "W-what..?" She stuttered. "We can run away, get away from beach city, it would be like a vacation, i know youve been really stressed out a home, so i think it would be best. Just me and you." Steven said as a bit of blush formed on his and Connie's face. The area fell silent again, Connie becoming unresponsive. "Yes!" She yelped happily, hugging Steven tightly. "We leave tonight. Meet me, over there." He said pointing to a spot by the cliff. "The place we met?" Connie said. Steven nodded. They high fived, and ran off in differnt directions.

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