Lazy Morning

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Steven's eyes slowly opened as a sharp ray of sunlight flickered in his eyes. He blinked a few times before completly opening his eyes, and slightly yawning.He looked down, and saw Connie peacefully sleeping on his chest, unbothered by the sunlight. The same smile and blush from last night came back to his face as he looked into hers. He looked up into the sky, a pure light blue color with big white fluffy clouds filled the sky, along with the crisp morning air that filled his lungs. 'This, this is life. This is how living should be. I never wanna let this feeling go...' He thought to himself, closing his eyes and savoring the momment. The tree directly above them swayed passivly in the wind, creating a soft breeze blowing on his face, and the soothing sound of the swaying leaves made everything seem so much better. He felt himself start to fall asleep once more. He suddenly hear a familiar sound, the sound of a warp pad. His eyes popped open at the sound, but after a few more momments of silence he dozed off again.

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