The Cave

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Lion slid along the water and into a cave where he stopped. "Steven looked up and around the cave. "Lion! Why are we HERE!?" He said, looking at the familiar cave where he had taken them before. "A pit stop," Connie said after relizing what Lion was doing. "What?" Steven said, confused. "We're going into battle, we need to suit up." Connie said, helping Steven down. "Ohh." Steven said, understandingly as they ran up to the middle, the floor lighting up underneath them as the middle collum rose up from the ground. Steven placed hs hand onto it and Connie booped his nose, and a bunch of armor shot up from the ground. "All of this is too big for us..." Steven said, looking at the armor and frowning. Connie froze for a momment before coming up with a idea. "No, it will fit US," Connie said, looking Steven in the eyes. Steven froze for a momment, confused by what Connie was saying. "Stevonnie." Connie said, sighing in humiliation as Steven giggled. "I know." He laughed. "Alright then, Shall we dance..?" She said, placing her hand on his, making them blush. Steven held her hand as the started to dance swiftly, giggling as Steven gem flicked and flashed from underneath his shirt. "Will it work with my gem cracked..?" Steven asked, as Connie smiled. "No use in not trying." She said as they continued to dance, Steven's gem flickered and flashed more as they danced. "Three, Two, one..." They counted down as Steven swung Connie below him as they giggled, touching noses. They both started to glow as they fused into eachother, creating Stevonnie. She fell to the ground as the glowing stopped. "It worked!" She said, feeling her eye as the gash continued to bleed. "Ow, this must've really hurt..." "AHH my gosh your gem..." She said, wincing in pain. "Its okay, you'll get used to it..." SHe said, standing up. She glaned around at the armor before spotting a pink and white lined armor with Rose's design on it that seemed the size of her torso. "That one." She said, running up to it and taking it from the stand. She fitted it around her body, adjusting it comfrotably. "Perfect..." She whispered as she glanced back at Lion, who had nudged her from behind. Lion kneeled down as Stevonnie reached her hand into his head, withdrawing Rose's sword. "Yes..." She said as her eyes lit up with stars. Strapping the sword to her waist, she hopped back onto Lion. "Alright Lion, lets go save the day." Stevonnie said, wincing from the pain of her gem as Lion took off.

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