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Steven felt the floor underneath him move as he heared voices. Some sounded like crying voices, until he relized they were crying. The voices started to become more and more familiar as the darkness he saw started to fade to white. His eyes slowly started to flutter open, as pain came rushing back to his body. He moaned softly, trying to ignore the pain. his eyes fully opened into a squint, and he was staring at a oddly shaped celing. He slowly sat up, his mucles aching, His eyes focused more and he saw Connie crying on the other side of the room, facing the wall. "C-connie..?" he said weakly. Connie froze and quickly turned around. "Steven!" She whisper/yelled, and quickly ran over and hugged him, her face drenched with tears. He hugged her back softly, and notice that he had a piece of cloth wraped around his arm. "I-im so happy your o-okay..." She said through tears, looking into Steven's face. Blood was smeared across her face, which starteled Steven. "W-what hapened to you..?!" He asked, a bit worried. "O-oh... Yea.." Connie said. "Jasper..." She mumbled. Steven slowly wiped away some of the blood away from her face, revealing a large slash across her left eye. She winced softly as more blood leaked out of it. "I-im sorry...' Steven apologized, then looked around the room they were in. It looked similar to one of the cell's he was trapped in with the yellow field on the ship that was destroyed. "We have to get out of here..." Steven mumbled, looking at the similar yellow field, along with metal bars spread across it, like a hamster cage would have. "No, Steven, there's more gems out there. I was the only one who saw it, there was at least three of those hand ships, and we are in one of them. There is a bunch of other gems, and they are going to attack. we might as well just stay here and stay alive..." Connie said, her good eye filling with tears at the words came out. Steven stared at her in shock. Connie suddenly fell silent as a banging came from the wall. "Connie!? Is Steven awake!?" A familiar voice said. Connie jumped up and ran over to the wall. "Yes! He is Ruby!" She said. "Steven!? Are you okay!?" Ruby asked, getting a bit of a scared tone. "Ruby?" Steven said and moved over to the wall. "Yea.. im okay, are you guys okay? wheres the other gems!?" Steven asked. "Im fine, but the other gems are probably down at the end of the hallway with Sapphy... anyway, listen, Steven... Connie probably already told you but, Yellow Diamond is here. You dont know, who that is, but, its to dangerous to leave. Please, dont even try Steven... we dont want you to die..." Ruby said through the wall, her tone progressivly getting lower. Steven paused for a few momments. "Yea... okay..." He said sadly, and leaned on the wall. "Just, promise me, any of us, anyone, wont get hurt..." Steven said. No response came from the other wall. "I, i cant promise that..." Ruby said, it sounded like she was tearing up. Steven paused for a momment. "Oh... okay..." He said as his voice cracked. "Listen, Ruby, Connie, im sorry, t-this is all my fault... if, if i didnt leave, none of us would be in this mess..." Steven said as tears came to his face. "No, Steven, we would have gotton caught either way..." Connie said, putting her arm around Steven. Steven leaned onto her shoulder, pain still flowing though his arm as he moaned softly in pain. "No Steven... its okay... its our faults, we shouldnt have been talking about you behind your back..." Ruby said. "No, its okay..." Steven reassured, closing his eyes, his voice getting queiter. "Steven? Are you okay?" Connie asked a bit concerned. "yea... i-im fine.. it just... hurts..." he breathed slowly. "Okay, take it easy... you lost alot of blood..." Connie said, feeling his forehead. "And your kinda pale..." She said as Steven rested his head on her shoulder. "Im just glad your okay..." She said as Steven held her hand. "Im glad Jasper, didnt hurt you to bad..." He said, rubbing her hand in his. Then a voice shouted out down the hallway, unclear of what the words were. 'Jasper's coming, Stay low Steven." Ruby said through the wall. Steven and Connie moved to the other side of the room as they heard footsteps charing down the hallway. Jasper charged past the cells, mumbling to herself. "Man, gotta find that little," She said before turning around, seeing Steven and Connie crouched in the corner. "Well well well, your awake." She said in a bit of a mocking tone. Niether of them replied, but Jasper stared at them. "WHat!? Not gonna say anything?" She teased, posistioning herself on the outside of the cell. "I hope you like the new look i gave her, you little 'Steven'." She said, looking back at his face. Anger started to bubble up within him, trying to block out her with all he could by staring at the wall. "Well dont worry, thats the only one of your friends you will ever see again. I've got some, buissness, to take care of with the rest of them." She said, taunting him. "Dont listen to her Steven, she's trying to antagonize you..." Connie whispered in his ear. "What did you say?" Jasper said in a angry tone, smashing a button on the wall, opening up the cell. "N-nothing!" Connie said in a frightened tone. "YOU SAID SOMETHING!" Jasper said, grabbing her shirt and pulling her up to her face. "HEY! STOP IT!" Steven said, kicking Jasper. Jasper evily laughed before throwing Connie to the ground, and staring Steven in the eye as hers went bloodshot. "You kicked me...?" Jasper said, a evil grin spreading across her face as she grasped her hands around Steven's neck. "Yea. And i'll do it again." He said, Lifting up his foot and smashing her in the face. She immedietly shook it off and stared him in the eye. "STOP! DONT HURT HIM!" Connie said, forcefully pushing Jasper. "Stay back you stupid kid." Jasper said, kicking Connie hard and she smashed into the wall, crashing onto the ground. She tightened her grip around Steven's neck as he struggled to get out of her grasp. "HOW THIS FOR KICKING!?" SHe said, Lifting him up, not releasing her grip. "A teenager could do better." Steven coughed out, still trying to fight Jasper back. "Connie, RUN!" He coughed as Jasper clamped his neck tighter. Connie stared at Steven in agony as blood dripped onto the floor. "HOWS THIS FOR A PUNY TEENAGER!" Jasper said, starting to repeatedly smash Steven against the wall, making him scream with pain. Tears fell out of Connie eyes as she darted out of the cell, and Ruby saw her, tears were flooding her eyes. "CONNIE! SMASH THE BOX AT THE END OF THE HALLWAY! IT WILL BREAK THE POWER!" She shouted over Steven's screams and Jasper's tormentive yells. Connie nodded and sprinted down the hallway, her body flowing with pain from slamming into the wall so hard. She reached the end of the hallway, a large green metal box was glowing as Steven's bloody-murder screams echoed down the hallway. She tried to pull it open with all her might, but it was shut tight. she started smashing it repeatedly with her foot, eventually making the cover pop off. Picking up the cover, she repeately smashed the box with it until little sparks shot out of the box and the lights flickered off, along with the cell doors. Connie rushed down back to the cell door, Steven's screaming was silenced. Connie heard struggling coming from the room, and a loud poof echoed throught the corridor followed by something that sounded like shattering glass. "Steven!? Ruby!? Anyone!?" Connie said, blindly wandering in the dark. She saw the illuminent light of a puple gem glow and come towards her. "Connie? Come, take my hand, Steven's hurt.. badly.." Ameythest's voice said as she saw a hand held out towards her. she took the hand and felt her body get dragged farther down the hallway, where more gem glows illuminated in the darkness. Connie gasped as she saw Steven suspended up off the ground by Garnet, blood everywhere, covering the wall, and all over Steven's clothes. Pearl used her gem to make a flashlight while trying to help Steven. Connie's eye filled up with tears as she kneeled down next to Steven. Steven slightly opened one eye, to see Pearl's gem slightly illuminate Connie's face. He chuckled slowly. "I-its okay g-guys..." He said, his voice weak and full of agony. Steven's gem slowly flickered from under his shirt, the light barely shining through his shirt. Connie slowly lifted up his shirt, as a few chips fell off of his gem and onto the floor from a crack that was slashed deeply into his gem. Pearl and Ameythest gasped in fear, Pearl covering her mouth as tears poured out of her eyes. Garent had tears dripping down her face as she solftly pet Steven's head. "I-its okay Steven, we are all here..." She whispered though her tears. Connie stared in shock. Fear and guilt overwhelmed her body as she relized what was happening. 'He's DYING. We CANT FIX THIS IN TIME...' She said to herself in her head. She wheild up with ears as she squeezed his hand tightly. "I-im sorry Steven..." She cried out as he very carefully sat up, Garnet supporting him up. He carefully leaned over and wrapped his arms around Connie's neck tightly. Connie froze before carefully putting her arms around him. The room fell silent and all that could be heard was Connie's silent cries as Steven held onto her neck tightly. "Shh, its okay... its okay... im not going away..." Steven said, his voice filled with pain. "I-i, should have d-denied us l-leaving..." Connie said in breaths as she tried to calm down. Steven closed his eyes, he body filling with more pain. "I-its okay... i-its not your fault..." Steven whispered queitly into her ear. Connie breath slowed as Steven slowly pet her hair with his shaking hand. "J-just calm down... everyone... c-calm down..." Steven gasped out, he felt his body start to shift. Connie felt all of Steven's weight get shofted onto her as his breathing slowed. She heald him tightly as tears rolled out of all of the gem's eyes. "C-common Steven... you can do it..." She whispered. He paused for a momment before slowly nodding. Footsteps could be hear from down the hallway, then stopped before they reached the cell. Garnet summoned her gauntlets. "Protect the both of them, there's other gems on this ship..." Garnet said, standing up. "Please be careful Garnet..." Pearl said, her voice cracking. Garnet looked over at Steven, then back at Pearl and nodded, wiping her tears away. She slowly made her way out of the room as the group looked back at Steven, who was trying to stand up and Connie Helping him. "I know, I can do it..." He breathed as Connie held him up. "Steven, dont hurt yourself, Stay on the ground." Pearl urged as Steven sighed and slid back down to the ground. "I-its okay Steven, We'll get out of here safely..." Connie said as she felt the ground start to shake. "W-what?!" Pearl said startled as she felt gravity decreasing. Connie held Steven tightly as they started to float off the ground. "We're falling!" Ameythest shouted. Pearl and Ameythest quickly bubbled themselves with Steven and Connie as they smashed into the ocean's surface. Steven breathed heavily as the ship started to fall apart. "Are you okay!?" Connie shouted a bit scared, looking into Steven's eyes. "I-im fine..." He scuffled as Connie helped him sit up inside the bubble. Ameythest looked around frightened. "Were in the middle of the ocean! Yellow Diamond is coming to kill everyone and were in the middle of nowhere and Steven's hurt and we are all dead!" Ameythest shouted at Pearl, tears streaming down her face. "Well its not my fault! Your the one who lauched themselves at Peridot!" Pearl argued, tears also spread across her face. "Do you think i knew traps were everywhere!?" Ameythest stated as they continued bickering. Steven sighed as he leaned onto Connie and winced. "Guys, please, stop..." He coughed out quietly and Pearl and Ameythest froze. "I-i, oh, Steven..." Pearl said as she looked down at him. "I, i'm sorry Steven, I-it was my fault..." Ameythest said, looking away from him as she held her hand up to her mouth, tears pouring out of her eyes. "N-no, its my f-fault..." He whispered as a single tear dripped down his face. "W-what? No it wasnt! We shouldn't have been talking about you behind your back, if anything its our faults, and you wouldt be in this mess..." Pearl squeaked out as more and more tears poured down her face. He opened his eyes slowly to look at them. "No, dont blame yourselves... i take responsability... seriously.." He muffled out. Connie looked up at the two gems, her eyes filled with tears. "We have to save him." She cried out though her tears. Pearl and Ameythest looked at eachother before Ameythest came up with a idea. "Rose's garden! We can take him there!" She said in a happier tone as Steven stared at her blankly. "B-but... what about... Beach City.. and Yellow Diamond..?" He asked. "Well, they will... um.." Pearl said, trying to not tell Steven the truth. His expression changed into a uneasy frown. "No, we HAVE to s-save the p-planet..." He coughed out. "But Steven! What about you!? You'll be dead!" Ameythest said, admitting to herself the truth of the situation. "I-im fine... Im not going to d-die..." He said as he moaned in pain once more as he sat up. "I-im not going... i-im saving the world, a-and if you dont want.. to help... t-then fine.." He said as he used Connie and the edge of the bubble to help him stand up. Suddenly, the water around them started to shake as they got lifted into the air, away from the remains of the ship as Steven lost his balance and Connie catching him. It looked like a pair of hands were holding the bubble up, as a familiar gem rose up from the water. "L-lapis!?" Steven and the group said. Lapis smiled as she walked up to the bubble, bruises and cuts surrounded her arms and a large black eye covered her face. "What h-happened to you!?" STeven said shocked as he leaned up against the side of the bubble. "Jasper, im fine really, but i was following the ship to make sure you guys were safe..." She said "Guys, please, pop the bubble..." Steven said as he looked back at them. "O-oh yea... Sorry." Pearl said, poppig the bubble and they landed softly on the water. Lapis and Steven hug tightly, Lapis examining his injuries. "W-what happened to you..." SHe whispered. "Jasper, and Peridot." He said pointing to his gem, then his makeshift bandage around his arm. "S-she cracked you g-gem!?" Lapis said, startled. "Y-yea, but really, im fine." He coughed out, looking back at Connie. "We have to get back to Beach City and stop Yellow Diamond..." Steven said, shifting his glance to the whole group. Pearl froze before nodding. "Steven's right, his gem isnt breaking anymore, its probably just cracked, but Yellow Diamond cant wait... We have to stop him..." She said before looking ahead and over the ocean. "I can get us there." Lapis said, Raising up a bit of ocean water. A familiar roar echoed out of the ocean before a familiar cat jumped up onto the tower of water. "LION!" Connie and Steven said as Lion tilted his head down revealing Garnet on his back. "And Garnet!" Steven said happily as she jumped down. "Peridot is gone, and i found this guy running along the ocean water." Garnet said, going over to Steven. "Is everyone okay?" She asked as He hugged her. "Y-yep! Feeling better!" Steven said. Lion roared and pointed his nose up to the sky as it started to turn reddish black. "We have to go, now." Lapis said as the group looked up. Lion grabbed Steven and put him on his back, and allowed Connie to jump on. "We'll get there, I'll take Lion." Steven said. The group nodded. Lion jumped quickly off the water and ran along the surface, roaring loudly and teloporting.

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