The Finding Of Steven

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"Here... somewhere here... Pearl said, scanning a large rock wall. "Ugh, what would peridot be doing on a huge moutain like this?" Ameythest said, a bit frustrated. "I dont know, i still cant see anything though, Ameythest why dont you go and look around in the sky? You might spot something up there. Come tell us if you see something." Garnet said, looking around a rock wall. "Meh, fine... She said, shapeshifing into a blue-jay and taking flight into the sky. she looked around, and spotted a single tree in the middle of a field of wheat right by the dirt road. She saw movement, surprised, she quickly darted down and into the branches of the tree. She gasped at what she saw. Connie's eyes slowly fluttered open as she let out a quiet but squeaky yawn. Steven opened his eyes and looked down at Connie. "Mornin." He said with a goofy smile on his face. Connie smiled slightly, sitting up from his chest and streching. "Man, did i fall asleep...?" She said, rubbing her eyes. "Yep." He said and sat up. "I didn't want to wake you, you looked so, cute." He said as his face started to get a bit red. Connie giggled, nudging him. He giggled, removing the sweater from the both of them. Ameythest stared down at the two silently. 'Where's Peridot? andwhy do they look so happy if they got kidnapped!?' She asked herself. "I know i keep saying it, but running away was the best idea ever." Connie said, putting the sweater into Steven's backpack. Ameythest froze. "RANAWAY...." She whispered loudly to herself, trying to keep quiet. She filled with anger and saddness, that Steven would just RUN AWAY without telling them. She darted out of the tree quickly and back up to the warp pad, where Garnet and Pearl were still searching. "GUYS! GUYS I," She said, shapeshifing into her orignal form. "What!?" Pearl said, quickly turning around. "I... I FOUND THEM!" Ameythest shouted, with hesitation. "Really?!" Pearl shouted, almost squealing. "Y... yea..." Ameythest said, pausing. "W-whats wrong!? Are they hurt..?!" Pearl asked, her state of fear returning. " No. In fact they are perfectly fine!" Ameythest said, tears in her eyes. Garnet and Pearl froze. "They have been! I-i snuck up on them... a-and... they said they, they were happy, and, that, they ran away!" Ameythest shouted, more tears coming out of her eyes. Pearl froze in shock. "B-but they looked so happy toghther..." Ameythest said, looking back over the edge of the cliff. "Oh, that boy is in big trouble..." Garnet said through clenched teeth. Laughter could be heard from the field, so they all turned and peeked out over the edge, to see Steven and Connie chasing eachother around the tree, kicking up daffodil seeds into the air. The three gems nodded, and jumped down into the field.

Hey! Get back here!" Steven said panting and laughing. "Not if you catch me first!" Connie said, running into Steven imedietly after that and they fell onto the ground laughing. "STEVEN!" They heard a voice yell. They immedietly froze as they both reconized they yell. They looked behind them, and there stood the Crystal Gems. Steven took a big gulp and saw the look on their faces. 'Had they figured it out..?' He thought. "Steven... Connie... What are you two doing?!" Pearl asked, still neither of them responded out of shock. Steven, doing the only thing he could think of, grabbed Connie's hand and running int the other direction. "W-HEY! STEVEN!" Ameythest shouted, sprinting after him. Pearl facepalmed herself before sprinting after them, Garnet just standing there, watching them. "Steven stop! what are you doing?" Connie yelled as she was pulled by Steven's hand. Steven didnt respond, but looked back to see the gems weren't behind him. "Its just the ge- STEVEN LOOK OUT!" Connie yelled, and Steven quickly turned his head and slammed into Ameythest, Knocking all three of them to the ground. "Got you!" Ameythest said, wrapping her arms around Steven, trapping him. "MMMM!" Steven yelled, trying to get away from Ameythest. Pearl caught up to them, Steven stopping in his struggle as he froze in fear, Garnet jumping right behind here, and they all looked at Steven. Connie, stepping back in fear, watched as Steven got stared down by the gems. "What, were you thinking, Steven." Pearl said, her voice filled with anger. Steven, not knowing what to say, his eyes filled with tears. "What are you doing out here! Us and your father have been worried sick about you, and you didnt even notify us that you were leaving." Pearl said, looking over at Connie, who took another step back. "And you, you should be ashamed of yourself, putting this idea in his head! He doesnt know any better! You both could have di-" Pearl stared, but Steven yelped out. "STOP! IT WAS ME!" He said. Pearl froze, and looked back at Steven, all of the gems in shock. "I came up with the idea! I ran away! I-i, its not her fault!" He said, tears pouring out of his eyes. "And im not helpless! I can take care of myself!" He yelled at her, anger bubbling up from with him. None of the gems responded. The area fell silent as steven relized what he was doing. "I...... im sorry..." He said, tears coming out of his eyes as Ameythest changed her tightening grip on him more into a hug. "But... why...?" Ameythest asked, uner her breath. Steven paused for a momment, taking a deep breath and looking at the two gems infront of him. "I heard you guys, talking about me... and how, you were gonna bench me..." Steven said through his tears. Pearl and Ameythest gasped, Garnet changing her expression to a more shocking one. "S-steven, we were just-" Pearl started, but Garnet put her hand infront of Pearl to silence her, kneeling down infront of him. "Steven, we were discussing what we would do if your gem stopped working. I was sure that your gem would be fine, but until then, yes, we were going to bench you. But you know it was for your own safety, we were talking about it because we love you." She said, wiping away some of his tears. "But thats not the real reason you left, wasn't it?" She said. Steven paused, before guitily nodding. Pearl and Ameythest's eyes widened. "You guys, were, dissapointed... in me... and i know... you guys... you always want me to be just like mom... but im not, and i know you guys blame me for mom not being here..." Steven said through his tears as they streamed down his face. Ameythest Connie and Pearl stood silently with tears in their eyes. "Steven, Its true that we all miss your mother, and, we havent chosen our words as wisley as we are around you, but not a momment comes by, that we dont thank her for giving us you." She said as a few tears dripped down onto her face as she hugged him tightly, Pearl joining in wiping away her tears. Connie smiled slightly and wiped the tears that she had on her face. "Well Well Well, if it isnt the crystal CLODS." A voice echoed out straight from behind Connie, which made her frezze.

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