Wars Well None Ends Well

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Lion skid across the ground and onto the sand of beach city, the sky a deep red color and red sand filling the air. Stevonnie took a deep breath as Lion continued trudging through the sand. "To the temple... This isn't as simple as it seems, to bad, we have to try." Stevonnie said to herself as Lion darted to the stone wall on the corner of the temple, looking down across the beach. She gasped as at least three homeworld ships were landed on the beach, each gem that was in the area was heavily equipped with high-tech gem armor. "My god..." Stevonnie said in shock, then all the gems started to shift as the middle ship, the biggest ship, opened its hatch. Out stepped a dark yellow gem, who looked upon all the other gems, scanning the area. "Yellow Diamond..." Stevonnie mumbled under her breath. "This is it. Let's do this." Stevonnie said confidently. "GO LION NOW!" She yelled as lion darted out and over a few gems, surprising them. Stevonnie skid if front of the temple where the homeworld gems were starting to move closer. A deep growl bellowed from Lion's throat as Stevonnie stared directly at Yellow Diamond, who stared at them unimpressed. "STAY OFF THIS BEACH! YOU HAVE NO NEED HERE!" Stevonnie yelled at her, as Peridot stepped into view. "WHAT?!? HOW DID THEY ESCAPE THIS TIME?!? JASPER HAD THE-" She stared, but Yellow Diamond put her hand in front of her to quiet her from speaking. Looking back up at her, she remained calm. "Why do you presume we have no business with Rose Quartz. Jasper has told me quite a few things about this " Steven." She said, staring at the fused pair. "rose." Stevonnie mumbled, not looking away from the gem. "YOU SHALL NOT TAKE OVER THIS PLANET, OR CONTINUE TO REPRODUCE GEMS HERE." Stevonnie said, ignoring Yellow Diamond's "Rose" Quote. "Then we shall fight for the land. I DECLARED WAR WITH YOU GEMS!" Peridot yelled, looking at Yellow Diamond as she stared at the pair that sat upon the pink maned cat. With a slight nod, Peridot smiled. "BEGIN THE BATTLE!" She shouted as the other gems yelled, getting out high tech weapons. Suddenly, a large roaring sound bellowed from behind the fleet, as a huge wave came crashing down, and out came the Crystal Gems and Lapis. "Lapis Lazuil?" Stevonnie heard Yellow Diamond whisper under her breath. "Then War it is we declare." She said after a few moments, then all the gems started going after the Crystal gems. "STEVEN! CONNIE! TAKE OUT THE HOMEWORLD GEMS!" Stevonnie heard one of the Crystal gems yell. Nodding, she started slashing her sword left and right, destroying gems by the moment. Lapis faced of Yellow Diamond as she giggled slightly. "Ahh Lapis, I remember you, finally facing us, aren't you?" She said evily. Lapis squinted. " You, RUINED, everything." Lapis said angerly, using the surrounding ocean to try and hit the Diamond, but she swiftly blocked it. "What th-" Lapis hesitated before Yellow Diamond thrusted her fist onto her face. "You puny gem, you think you can beat me?" She said in a demonic voice, the Stevonnie swiftly swiped a sword in front of her as she stopped right before Lapis. "Wait Steven stop!" Lapis shouted but Stevonnie stared at Yellow Diamond. "STOP THIS." She said angerly as the fighting and screaming continued on in the background as the gems started to move closer to the town. Yellow Diamond giggled slightly before withdrawing her weapon, which was a long bladed Yellow sword. "Well then, lets just see about that." She said as she launched at Stevonnie with the blade as they started dueling. "YOU WONT DEFEAT ME!" She shouted in a demonic voice. "STEVEN STOP!" Lapis shouted as Yellow Diamond shoved her away. Her eyes started to become more and more red as Stevonnie fought back. Stevonnie slipped slightly on a rock that was in the sand, creating a opening as she slashed her eye deeply. Stevonnie screamed in pain as the eye started to continuously bleed, Yellow Diamond laughing historically. "PAIN IS HILARIOUS, ISNT IT?!" She yelled as they fought back, Yellow Diamond overpowering the both of them until Stevonnie fell onto the ground as Yellow Diamond held the sword directly over her throat. "Say farewell..." Yellow Diamond said as she laughed, the Stevonnie smiled. "How about, GOODBYE!" Stevonnie said as she grasped her sword with her feet, inserting it directly through Yellow Diamond, the other end of the blade coming out through her chest. She started to laugh as she looked at the blade, then her entire body poofed away, Stevonnie catching the gem in her hand. Looking back upon the battle field most of the gems were fleeing as the Crystal gems had destroyed most of them. Running over to them overjoyed, Stevonnie handed Garnet the gem after the rest of the Homeworld gems fled. "WE DID IT!" Amethyst shouted happily, dancing around as Garnet crushed the gem into pieces. "Oh my gosh Steven you were so brave!" Pearl shouted happily as she hugged the fusion. "Hey, i-it wasn't all me..." She said, starting to sound weaker. "Good job kiddo..." Garnet said, sounding exhausted. Lapis smiled happily as Stevonnie slipped down onto the ground as Lion walked over. "Your eye looks bad..." Amethyst said as Stevonnie smiled slightly, looking like she was in pain. "A-are you okay?!" She asked herself in fear as she started to flash white as tears started streaming out of her eyes.

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