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 The two bound captives were forgotten as the rest of the Cleese pack watched as their alpha all but ripped Bana’s arm from his body. It was left hanging barely by the tendons and what was left of the muscle near the bend of the elbow. A strong breeze could have completely unhinged it. It really was such a mess but it had to be done, Turner’s wolf said looking over Bana’s body as he bled out onto the ground. He wouldn’t be long until his body went into shock and died. He wished he had more time to watch death steal the light from Bana’s eyes but he had better things to do.

He shifted back into his human form and snatched the detonator up from the ground and watched gleefully as his pack did nothing to help Danelia as her very own brother made a chew toy of her leg.

But the smile disappeared once the thing emerging from his home came out into the fading light of the day. At first sight the wolf didn’t at first appear familiar to him at all, and then he remembered who it was, and his smile returned anew.

“Yes!” Turner said joyously. He was so enamored with the beast that he didn’t even care that there were wolves running into his territory. The beast would be his weapon, a prime example of how right the drug was for the werewolf species as a whole. They could amass whole packs of these defiant wolves, locked down and taken out for use in only the more dire of situations. Today he would prove it.  If anyone had any doubt of the usefulness The Burning Paranoia then they so rightly deserved the demonstration they were about to receive.  

He growled and told his pack to stand down as he took a step forward intending on getting the wolf’s attention. Turner wanted to rein him in at least before their company showed up. He could just bet they hadn’t come over for evening tea. Just as Danelia and her bombing expert said, the trespassers came to start trouble and if it was trouble they wanted they were going to get it.

By way of Arlo Phair.

Defiant wolves weren’t known for their ability to follow rules; they were feared for their malice and destruction. However much little control Turner had over Arlo would not matter because his aggression could still be harnessed against Turner’s trespassers.

Or so he thought.

He didn’t at first see the glower of hate from Arlo. Yet he could hardly miss the touch of tenderness of Arlo’s gaze when the wolf turned his attention to Danelia.

 Arlo had failed again, he thought as he looked down at his niece. Danelia was the only person in the world that he cared for more than anything. Psychologist may have told folks that because of the loss of his infant child to still birth, Arlo had then looked upon Danelia as his daughter. And he wouldn’t have disagreed.

Those many years ago, the moment he laid eyes on her and she went running into his arms, crying, his heart was stolen. She was so precious and so sweet. But she was strong, resilient, and compassionate. Danelia was everything he could have wished for in a daughter and then some.

Often times when she would leave him at the end of summer to go back to school, he would miss her something terrible. He had never admitted it to anyone, not even his younger brother- Danelia’s father- but when she made the decision to deny her mate, he was kinda glad she had come to him for help. He thought that by helping her, he could counteract some of the bad he had done in his life. But more than anything Arlo was glad that she had reached out to him because she truly was the daughter he never had. And if that meant helping her through a horrible time in her life, then he would do it regardless if she wanted his help or not. He would do anything for her. Even kill.

There was a time when he seriously considered going back to the Cleese Pack to kill that son of a bitch mate of hers. Adversely, that would have only served to make Danelia hate him in the long run. And that he couldn’t take, but things were different at present. He had been there for her then and he would be there for her now. If in the end she had a problem with what he was going to do, so be it. Just so long as she was alive.

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