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Carmichael was handling the news of his brother-in-law’s death rather well. “I don’t understand. Why was he here?”

Danelia shook her head, “We don’t know.”

“But… oh I don’t know,” Carmichael said as he got up from his seat and began to pace. “I would say that it was the drugs. But why you? To come all the way here and end up targeting you? I mean, there haven’t been any other casualties have there?”

“Not that I'm aware of. I'm not exactly privy to werewolf business anymore,” Danelia replied.

She turned to Vega, “Have there been?”

“I'm not supposed to say. But no there haven’t been,” Vega replied.

“So… wait I'm not understanding still. Is that how the cops got involved?” Carmichael asked.

“Not exactly,” Jhal answered.

“And what about you, were you just passing by when you saw some wolf about to attack Lia?”

“Not…really,” Vega replied.

“That’s where everything gets hairy,” Danelia said. She then went on to explain the other run-ins she had had with Matthew.

Carmichael sat with his mouth agape, “That’s ridiculous! A member of the Cleese Pack sending a druggie member on a kidnapping mission? Alone?” Carmichael said, surprised that he could even say it aloud. “But at the same time I don’t see how any other explanation works. That’s exactly why he would come all this way and target you.”


“Oh Jeeze. That makes me feel so much worse now.”

Danelia got up and moved closer to Carmichael, she hugged him close, “This is not your fault. Absolutely not.”

“But wait I just had this crazy ass thought. If someone in the Cleese Pack sent Matthew here, then, they had to have known that he was using BP.”

“Oh God, you’re right,” Danelia said.

“They would have noticed his behavior changing. Its called burning paranoia for a reason. He would have been out of his mind crazy.”

“But if they knew he was druggie that’s exactly why they sent him. They could blame his actions on the drugs,” Danelia said.

“But how would he know about Daniela unless someone told him about her. And where to find her,” Arlo supplied.

“You can’t get a bloodhound to track without supplying a scent,” Jhal exclaimed.

“That still doesn’t answer the question why they supplied the scent,” Vega said.

This was all so crazy to Danelia. Werewolves on drugs being used by the Cleese Pack to kidnap her for God knows what. It sounded like some weird science fiction soap opera. “I don’t think that having that answer will do much for us..”

Arlo raised the question, “Why?

"Beacuse by the time we do, it won't do us any good," she said wearily.

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